Kits: Names

24 0 4

Choose a number between 1-40 and re-roll for each kit (The 1st litter will be warriors, 2nd will be young warriors, 3rd will be apprentices and 4th will be kits.)

1. Dusk

2. Dawn

3. Apple

4. Red

5. Oak

6. Spruce

7. Lake

8. Jagged

9. Blood

10. Quiet

11. Loud

12. Grey

13. Fire

14. Broken

15. Yellow

16. Stone

17. One

18. Zero

19. Curl

20. Shred

21. Pebble

22. Goose

23. Eagle

24. Prime

25. Hearty

27. Beech

28. Snow

29. Snail

30.  Rat

31. Stone

32. Cloudy

33. Weasel

34. Leaf

35. Spotted

36. Blue

37. Ash or Ashen

38. Shade

39. Maple

40.  Ripple


1. Acorn
2. Bee
3. Belly
4. Berry
5. Bird
6. Blaze
7. Branch
8. Breeze
9. Briar
10. Bright
11. Brook
12. Call
13. Claw
14. Cloud
15. Creek
16. Cry
17. Dapple
18. Dawn
19. Dust
20. Ear
21. Eye/s
22. Face
23. Fall
24. Fang
25. Feather
26. Fern
27. Fin
28. Fire
29. Fish
30. Flame
31. Flight
32. Flower
33. Foot
34. Frost
35. Fur
36. Gaze
37. Goose
38. Grass
39. Hare
40. Hawk

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