A Push (Part 2) (EDITED)

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8:32 pm

"Come on, Seb."

Katey peered at her phone, fixated on the texts between her and her misplaced friend.

Her most recent one was still unread.

Katey: Over by the coffee, where are you at?

She glanced at the dancefloor, getting up on her toes to try and look around. However, no luck there. Not even a glimpse of Seblia's brown hair. With no other leads, she made her way towards the dessert table. Upon arrival, she saw a decent crowd gathered around. At first glance, it seemed like they were at one of the coffee dispensers. However, upon stepping around to the other end of the table, she saw their adoration was on the buffet of sweets.

She frowned at the stacks of untouched styrofoam cups next to the dispensers. A stack of flyers sat nearby just as unscathed. All without supervision of any kind.

Katey looked back into the crowd, now trying to spot two friends. However, she found no sign of them. With a passive look at her phone, she plucked a styrofoam cup from a stack and began filling it up. Once full, she stepped aside and leaned against the table. She brought the cup up, taking a whiff of vanilla before drinking it. She smacked her lips, relishing the taste.

Looking down at her cup, she cast a perplexed glance at the crowd tearing through the treats on the table. Not a single cup of grounded brew in their hands. Shaking her head, she brought the coffee back to her lips.

"Coffee any good?"

Katey turned to the voice. She was greeted with a woman in a maroon corset and purple gown with a red sash around her waist. Her hair was wild and poofy. Katey paused, unable to shake the sudden sense of deja vu coming over her. Something about the woman's face seemed to ring a bell.

But, social cues demanded that thought go to the backburner. She looked down at her cup, nodding "Very good. However, it doesn't seem to be going over well.."

To illustrate, she pointed a thumb at the people behind her.

"Hmm. Well, that's rather surprising," the woman chuckled, walking past to grab a cup for herself. "I mean, people still believe it'll help you get over drinking."

Katey shrugged. Her mind tried properly to place the voice. Something about the sash kept itching in her mind. "Well, people will believe anything if it's said enough times."

The woman brought the freshly prepared cup up to sample it. Smacking her lips, she nodded with an impressed smile. "Hmmm, not bad. Definitely has more pizazz than the local brew."

Just then, Katey felt her phone vibrate. She immediately brought it up.

Hayley: Have you seen Seblia?

Katey: No sign of her. Where are you?

"Something wrong?"

Katey looked up, finding the woman now in front of her, looking with keen interest. The college student turned the screen away from her. She still couldn't shake the feeling she knew this woman, but just couldn't place the name. She lowered the device to her side and shook her head. "Nothing's wrong, just trying to find a friend I got separated from."

"Well, that is an issue," the woman remarked, sipping gingerly at her coffee. "What does she look like, maybe I've seen her."

"In this sea of people, I highly doubt it,"

Her phone vibrated again.

Hayley: Coming back to the dessert table.

"Come on, what's wrong with a little help?"

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