Many Years Later

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What if Queen Channary recovered from regolith poisoning? What if the fire happened but they arrested Levana and found Selene still alive? She was kept in a tank for several years until she was strong enough to have the surgery. Channary teaches her how to use her powers and starts hiding her cyborg parts. She learns of all Channary wants her to learn for when she is queen.


I'm back! I hope you enjoy this chapter!

There is a time skip. So eight years into the future when it's time to wake up Selene for the cyborg surgery.



Chapter Five: Many Years Later

Time seems to go by slowly after tragedy. At least that's how it felt over the next few months after my cousin, sweet Selene, was hurt by my evil stepmother. Oh, how I wish I could go back in time to that day and disobey my stepmother. Maybe it would have saved Selene from years of suffering and no childhood.

Every night, I dreamt of the burned nursery, unrecognizable, and my stuffed animal, sitting up against the wall where it was tossed after Selene handed it to me. Not only that, but the image of my father, killed by his friend, stays seared into my brain. I can't unsee it. It haunts me, he haunts me. Lurking in every corner as I walk down the halls, in the shadows of the trees when I'm outside, taking full view of my vision at night after I'm done thinking of the nursery and poor, helpless Selene.

Most of the time, I try not to think about either, but when I really do let myself think, I think about why my father died. I know it wasn't his fault, Channary just found an excuse to kill him off, too. Why, exactly, I don't know. My Queen is a cruel person just like my stepmother.

"Winter?" I shake out of my stupor and look up, seeing Jacin's handsome face leaning in close to me. "Winter? Are you all right?" His hand reaches up and I still, my breath halting. His thumb finds tears on my cheeks that I hadn't noticed. His smile turns concerned.

I sniff, leaning back even though I only want to lean closer. I know it may seem absurd, being in love with your childhood best friend. I may have only been four when my father died, but I remember he and his friend, Jacin's father, would talk while the two of us would run around with little Selene, who was clumsy on her toddler feet. They would say we were meant to be soulmates. I smile everytime I think back to that moment, hoping beyond hope that it's true.

"Yeah. I'm fine. What are you doing here?" I ask, confused. He is now sitting next to me, looking out at the lake. Now that Jacin is a teenager, he should be taking up an apprenticeship.

"I just got back from an interview." He fiddles with his hands.

I perk up, glad for something to talk about. Moments like this with Jacin are rare. Not only because I'm a princess and he's a guard, but we are also at an age where My Queen says I shouldn't be seen with someone of Jacin's position. Of course, we both don't listen. We are all we have left since Jacin's parents were moved to the outer sector -Jacin's father was demoted after three years as my personal guard- and Selene was still peacefully sleeping her childhood away.

"Oh? How'd it go?"

His smile turns happier, and it makes my nerves sing with excitement. "Great. I'm starting at the medical clinic here in the palace in three days. I'll be on my way to becoming a doctor."

I beam. I'm so happy Jacin is finally happy. His family was never the same after his father was forced to kill my father. The bonds are fractured even though we all know he didn't willingly do it. We are all a little scarred from the events of the trial.

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