the long race of life

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Life is crazy sometimes. A flipping rollercoaster.
One minute youre as happy as can be, and the next, sadness, anxiety, depression and other aspects fold in.

But as humans we live each day like that. We run a race. A hella of race. Every lap equals 24 hours.

Everytime we fall, we get up to finish this long race.

Some people don't make it. That's the sad part. It's really hard to believe that you may not fulfill the full race of life.

However our accomplishments are at the end. Where ever Fate hides that, anyway. We run short and long term goals. We receive what we dream if we are determined for it.

Life is not short. Making the right decisions may make it longer than you expect, so:

Do more than belong, participate
Do more than care, help
Do more than believe, practice endlessly
Do more than be fair, be kind (It's not rocket science)
Do more than forgive, forget (It's hard, trust me, I know)
Lastly, do more than dream, work.

Unlock to unlimit. (Lol that's my school theme for the year)

Step into a FAYZ of life because we all run this race. We can't control it. We have one life. Only one. Live it without limits. Because it's absolutely worth it.

~yours truly.


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