8 | snogging after hours

Start from the beginning

"Pera, Pera, Pera" Damien chuckled, slipping over to her and slugging an arm over her shoulder, pulling her down almost chest-level and eliciting an annoyed protest from the dark haired girl. She wasn't that much shorter than Damien, standing at five-seven next to his height of five-ten, yet glared up at him before breaking free from his clutches.

"Someone's in a mood— you want us to save you a bottle? We've got some of yours" He asked, gesturing to the staircase that led to the boy's dormitories.

Her uncle Orion and his father— Arcturus, the head of their family, had recently ventured further into the alcohol market, something about increasing the new money coming in to secure the old. She didn't really know. Didn't care too much in all honesty, she knew the basics of how her family remained the richest of the rich— but was more intrigued by how she got to spend said riches.

The Black's held major shares in most workings in magical London— the biggest being almost a double share in St. Mungo's Hospital, as well as minor holdings internationally. Some in Germany, the ancestral home of her grandmother Irma's family, though mostly in her mothers native France— the majority of which being hundreds of years old and in Normandy, far surpassing any other international dealings. Something about it being the home of their family before they came to England during the Norman invasion of the Middle Ages. Either way, they were rich— far richer than any other family, even the other sacred-twenty eights, though the Malfoy's were a close second.

Which she knew irritated her father immensely, he wasn't too fond of her older sister's husband, something about a rivalry with Lucius' father. Perenelle had never bothered to ask, she wasn't Lucius' biggest fan either, and she highly doubted Narcissa's marriage would have been allowed had the Malfoy's not been as economically sound. Love-match be damned.

"The Chateau Rum?— yuck, no thanks" She grimaced, "If you've got any Radiant Knight left I might have some" And Damien shot her a finger gun and a wink in response.

Liquor was not her favourite— Perenelle had never enjoyed the feeling of the burning liquid running down her throat, thus never drank enough to feel its effects and deem it worth it. Her family's signature white wine— named after their supposed involvement and efforts in the Norman invasion however was something agreeable— even if it was only produced to one-up the Malfoy's signature red, their main source of wealth.

They didn't have a rum though. She could just imagine it in her father's smug tone— as that was precisely what had spurred the creation of Chateau Rum only three years prior, unveiled at Narcissa and Lucius' wedding.

"Vaudeline might want it though, I don't know— if someone else wants it don't save it solely for me, but if there's any left I'll have it" She finished, suddenly remembering that her and her sisters small stash had been depleted a few weeks prior— they had foolishly only brought a bottle with them at the start of the semester.

Damien and Antonin bid them goodbye after that, leaving to ready the common room and rid it of any one under fifth year, and Perenelle left for her rounds, Severus behind her.

✯¸.•'*¨'*•✿ ✿•*'¨*'•.¸✯

Perenelle didn't hate her prefects rounds, they never went too late into the evening, and they meant she could escape the dormitory after hours on the occasion— however they did tend to bore her to bloody pieces. That of course was due to her fellow sixth year prefect.

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