4 (after the attack)

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"A joint school?" I asked looking at Alan
"Yes, it's a mixed boarding school, we think it'll help you both" Jeff nodded with a kind smile
I looked to Alan and we both gave an 'okay' look between us
"Also it will help since we want to see how you work together" mum added
"We already know we work fine" Alan said
"Yeah, didn't stopping the Hood prove that?" I asked
"It did, but for the future." Mum nodded

"Fine" I sighed
We all looked to Alan and he looked to me. I gave an encouraging nod and he sighed crossing his arms
"Fine" he said
I squealed and hugged him happily
"Am I g-g-oing too?" Fermat asked
"Of course, we wouldn't split you and Alan" mum smiled at the boy and Brains nodded

"What about Tintin?" I asked
"Her parents are happy with her home learning. Besides she's learning fighting skills here" Jeff said

I finished unpacking my bag and I sat on my bed, not really sure what to do now.
The three of us had arrived at our new school, the boys were fine they had each other. I on the other hand had nobody, all my 'friends' were in England. I'm all alone here.

"Hi, I'm Polly" a girl with strawberry blonde hair walked in dragging a suitcase after her
"I'm Lily" I sucked my lips into a smile
"I take it you like purple" she motioned to my lilac bedsheets and my purple stationary set Parker had gotten me.
"Um, yeah" I nodded awkwardly
"Do you like black?" She asked throwing her dirty bag on her bed

I cringed as mud splattered in the floor

"Wouldn't be the biggest fan" I told her
She spun to look at me, "shame, all my stuff is black. It's fine you'll get used to it" she said and began unpacking
I didn't know what to say, I kinda just wanted to have a good ol cry.

Instead I decided to go check out the library. So I grabbed my boots, a jumper and my watch.
I made my way around campus to the library I had spotted on our way in.
I looked up at the stacks of books and sighed happily walking in. Happily I made my way over to the fiction section my fingers brushing the books spines. I picked out a few and found a spot to sit and read in peace.

It's been two weeks, and I hate it here.
1. I miss my old classes and teachers
2. I've not seen Alan or Fermat since we moved in, although it's a mixed school, all our classes and dinners are split up, at least until later today something about assessing us?
3. I have a horrible roommate, that's a lie, she's nice enough but so messy and gives me no privacy
Last but not least
4. I'm being, kinda bullied.

"How are ya chap" the so called popular girl of the school teased walking passed putting on a dreadful English accent
"Top of the morning to ya" her pawn added
I just kept my head down.
A few people shoved into me making me drop my books, I sighed and knelt down to pick them up. "Leave me alone" I snapped at her but she walked off laughing so I looked down gathering my stuff
I didn't even look up when I heard boys voices, they've been letting girls and boys mix all day, they said we'd been split up to "assess" our strong points and weak points

I went to grab a book but it was kicked away. I had tears building up, but I sucked it back up, I will not cry.
I am a Cryton-Ward. Daughter of the most amazing spy to ever live.
I grabbed my book and a hand appeared grabbing another book.
"Lily?" The familiar voice of Alan asked

My head snapped up so quickly I was sure it was going to snap off
"Alan" I sighed so much happiness and relief coursing through me as I tackled him into a hug
"Are you okay?" He asked standing pulling me up with him, as I was holding my stuff close to my side
"Yeah, just uh, dropped my stuff. It's weird having no school bag anymore" I tried to laugh letting go of him
"Lily" he said his voice questioning
"I'm fine" I nodded holding back tears

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