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We popped back up above the water coughing the water out.
"Tintin" I swam to my friend
"I'm okay" she nodded

Screams caught our attention as we turned and saw Alan trying desperately to hold Fermat above water.
We swam over and the three of us managed ti get the flailing boy to shore

"How about a little warning next time you pull a stunt like that?" Fermat asked coughing up water
"Relax Fermat, it's just a little water." Alan said

Fermat fell over in the water and Alan fell with him trying to help him up
"I could have drowned." Fermat coughed
"You mean you can't swim?" Alan asked both of them falling again
"I repeat, I could have dr-owned." Fermat stuttered

"Ring out your clothes, it'll help you dry" I said to the everyone. Alan and Fermat went behind a few boulders while Tintin and I stayed on the beach.

I peeled off my shirt ringing it out and laying it on a rock in the sun. I peeled off my tank top too also ringing it out, and once again laying it by my shirt.
I shoved my shorts off and squeezed as much water out of the denim as I could
"We need to hurry" Tintin said finishing ringing out her clothes and began to redress
"Yup" I agreed finishing quickly and redressing

"Can't dry my runners" I sighed at my soggy shoes
"It'll be fine" she shrugged
As we walked I squeezed my ponytail getting the extra water out of it

"They went over there" I pointed out as we walked to the boys

"Nice drawers." We heard Alan
"Thank you." We also heard Fermat's reply
"Boo." Tintin and I scared them making them jump. I chuckled at their reaction as we walked to them

A faint blush coated my upper cheeks, I could blame it on the heat, but really, I just saw Alan in just his boxers. I knew he was fit from his "training" for being a Thunderbird, I hadn't realised how in shape that would keep him

"No, come on, Lily, Tin-Tin, stay there." Alan held a hand up using his shirt to cover himself
I just smirked playfully
"You're worse than a couple of girls. Hurry up and get dressed" I teased chucking his trousers while Tintin did the same
"Those are nice drawers" she commented making me laugh

Once they'd quickly finished we walked along the shoreline
"Data from Tracy Island is sent to Thunderbird Five via satellite, right?" Fermat said as we walked
I was listening but I was also admiring the view from this point of the island
"Right." Alan nodded
"So, there's a miniscule possibility, that if we reach the Island's satellite station, we could-" Fermat began
"Blow it up." Alan finished

"No, we could hack into it and give control back to Thunderbird Five." Fermat corrected
" Good thinking, Fermat." Alan congratulated
"Thank you." The smart boy nodded
"All right let's do it." Alan walked away and to the rocks

I watched with Tintin my hands on my lower back. We watched him drawing in the sand
"Here's the plan. We're here, right? We should go along the shore, around the base of the mountain, to the access road here, and then up to the transmitter. So what do you think?" He asked
"Good, except that we're here, not there. And the transmitter's there, not here. We have to go through the jungle." I corrected pointing at the correct places, and as I finished Tintin drew a line through the sand
"But that's fo-fo-fo... off limits." Fermat stuttered. I stood back with a small smile and a raised brow

"It's gonna be dangerous." Tintin said
"But so fun" I added
"I'm in" Alan said as he held his hand out
I smiled and put my hand out too, Tintin put hers on mine, and with a shrug Fermat joined
"We've gotta get up there fast. All our folks are in trouble and if The Hood gets off the island...." Alan said as we quickly made our way to the jungle
"Actually, he's not going anywhere for now." Fermat said holding out the Guidance Processor passing it to Alan

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