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"Thunderbird 2 preparing for take-off." The computer announced

"We gotta be quick, The Hood's getting away." Alan told us
"In position, m'lady" Parker said as he dropped  his hat underneath an icicle on the ceiling, making sure the ropes tying his hands together are in line with it.
"Here we go" mum said as she looked up and begins to shake her foot to loosen her heel

I watched from the side hoping this would work

"Launch sequence, stage two." The computer beeped to us

Mum kicked her foot up, her heel flinging off and hitting the icicle. It cuts the ropes around Parker's hands and we all cheered
"Good shot, m'lady." Parker nodded

Parker untied mums hands who quickly did Brains, and then Tintins parents. We all in turn helped each other get free

"Come on Parker, let's give those bad guys a good thrashing." Mum said as I got my feet free

"This appears to be a straightforward six lever mortice, m'lady." Parker said tapping the doors lock
"I love it when your checkered past comes in handy, Parker." Mum smiled
I smiled too, shivering rubbing my cold arms, trying to be careful around my still uncleaned cut
"Thank you m'lady. Unfortunately, I feel I shall I need a piece of wire to access the mechanism" Parker continued taking off his gloves

My eyes widened as mum reached under her top to her bra and begins to take the wire out. Parker coughed, and everyone turns around.
I smiled seeing Brains cover Fermat's eyes
Alan's shoulder brushing my back, why did he always have to stand so close?

"Will this suffice Parker?" Mum held up the wire
"Most certainly, m'lady" Parker nodded and began working on the lock
" I didn't actually need it anyway." Mum whispered
"Of course not, m'lady" Parker blushed awkwardly and kept working

I shivered rubbing my cold arms watching them work
Alan was right beside me. My shoulder brushing his as he moved his hands up and down his arms trying to create enough heat to stay warm

The door finally clicked open
"Quick, they're getting away!" Fermat called as we all left the fridge
"Ok, everyone get to the control room." Alan told us all
I chased after them

We all ran into the office, Fermat and Brains went to the controls, while Mum and Alan went to the screens

"Get in there quick Fermat, and save my family. Then we'll get The Hood. Good luck." Alan instructed

"Access to mainframe, denied." The computer said

Alan jogged over to me handing me the first aid kit, I smiled as he turned to go help.
I opened the box, grabbing out a disinfectant wipe and a waterproof bandage, that was Virgil's. He loved it because it meant if he cut his arms or legs on a mission he could still go swimming without infecting his wounds
I hissed at the pain of the wipe but quickly wrapped it up all safe

"It looks like they slipped a back door key into the access codes." Fermat said to Brains more than us
"I'll follow your lead, son." Brains nodded helping

"Thunderbird Five come in. Thunderbird Five, come in." Mum said to the screen
"How long have they got before re-entry?" Alan asked
"Ninety seconds and counting." Fermat replied

"Access to mainframe, confirmed." Fermat got in

"I'm in!" He announced
"Good job Fermat!" Alan praised
"Ok, I just need someone on their end to confirm the access protocol." Fermat said and we could see into Thunderbird Five

"Thunderbird Five, come in." Brains said
"Dad, come on, are we coming through?" Alan asked worried
"Mr Tracy, can you hear me? Come in." Brains tried again
"Thunderbird Five come in." Mum said too
"Dad, come on!" Alan said hopeful
" Mr Tracy, can you hear me? Come in." Brains kept trying

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