How could someone soft-spoken become a Chieftain? Getting married to the previous Chieftain's daughter. There was no way everything was as easy as it seemed.

History would never mention these things. But there were bound to be many guys aiming for the previous Chieftain's daughter. It was clear that while Arnook was incompetent when it came to matters of war, he knew what needed to be done.

'Should I kill him now? Better than to let him grow and become someone that might become troublesome.' Sokka glanced at the Chieftain as he thought about how to kill off the man. But decided to not go through with it, as someone else would take his place anyway.

"Is something wrong, Sokka?" Inquired Aang, curiously.

Sokka shook his head with a harmless smile on his face. "No, it's nothing. Just thinking of a way to take care of this problem."



As the night came about, the last full moon stood in the sky, after tonight there won't be another full moon in quite a while. Sokka stood atop the wall that had protected the Northern Water Tribe for many years. He could feel the biting cold in his skin but didn't mind it. Any kind of pain just showed that he was alive.

He was wearing dark clothes and a facemask where only his eyes were shown. His spear Sky Piercer in hand.

Two other people also stood next to him, they wore similar clothes and their builds were lean and built for agility. One of them was a waterbender and the other a warrior. But they all had one thing in common and were similar in size, and when masked, it was hard to tell which was which. In the dark, they seemed the same with these disguises on. This was done intentionally by Sokka.

"Remember, we will only address each other A, B, and C. Not at any point must real names be mentioned," Sokka reminded them, he was A, while the waterbenders was B, and the last warrior was C. This was all made so Azula wouldn't know who they were. "Let's go."

After saying that, Sokka jumped towards the water and the other two followed him, he could feel the cold wind hit his body. But he didn't mind, though a trace of cautiousness sneaked into his heart.

Since she had been recently attacked, would she still be on guard? It depended on how much she trusted Kuzon, because if she trusted in his abilities too much, then she would think that he would be able to see through this too.

B, the waterbenders created a bubble in the eater and an ice footing so they could surf underwater. Sokka looked at the dome of water as they landed, and went under it. Even though he could do something like this himself, it didn't mean that he wasn't impressed by it. He loved bending or any kind of other fantasy power, anyone coming from a normal world would.

They stealthily arrived at the main Fire Nation ship, and as Sokka landed on the deck, he saw a couple of soldiers standing guard. His finger trailed to the back of their necks and he softly used Chi Blocking before anyone noticed anything and they were knocked out.

"What was that?" B looked on in surprise, never having seen such a takedown before.

Sokka shook his hand and made a shushing motion to keep quiet and not say anything. C was the first one to look around and feel like something was strange. He looked at Sokka and mentioned that there were too few guards around here for a royal ship.

Sokka nodded, he had noticed this too, and he got an answer. Lightning crackles rang out, looking up, Sokka saw Azula on the highest point of the ship, looking down at them and she already had her fingers pointed at them.

He moved as fast as he could, grabbing the two people that had come with him, Sokka dodged out of the way of the lighting.


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