Chapter 17: We (don't) talk about Afton

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Author's Note: The Dream idea is by deimus4527 on Instagram. Check them and their FNAF Theories out!

Now onto the Story:


A blonde-haired princess with a sword battles shadows in the dark. She's out of breath, wondering how long more she has to fight for. She pants and gazes at the wall which was lit by torches. Upon the wall, her shadow warps into that of a purple guy who had two white dots for eyes.

She swings her sword at it but the shadow doesn't budge. She can't bludgeon something that has no physical form. It grins at her with an inky black smile.

She then tries to flee but a black tendril hauls her by the torso to the terrifyingly tall Shadow. She gazes up at it.

"WHO ARE YOU!?" She cries.

The purple guy warps into the shape of a giant bonnie head with violet eyes and swallows her entire body in its jaws.


Vanessa's eyes shoot open. She gasps for air. It's that dream again. She's been having it for the past several nights but is unsure of what it means. Sometimes it was inclined to vary but the same thing often occured: She's consumed by darkness.

Now awake, she looks at her vacant left hand. The boy she had in her grasp...he was gone, having instinctively run away the second she passed out.

"Argh!" She screams in frustration, "Goddamnit."

She'd been having these sporadic migraines at her job as of late. While some were tolerable, others had caused her to pass out and she wasn't aware of what triggered them. Not even her own Doctor could solve what was wrong with her after multiple tests.

"Take these meds. You'll feel better." were the few words spoken by her Doctor as he handed her bottles of pills.

Then, wondering if this was a symptom of stress, she started seeing a therapist but they just gave her the same advice.

"Carry on with the meds that were prescribed to you." The therapist told her while scribbling down notes, "The less stressed you feel, the less migraines you have. Also, maybe try to stay off your phone more often, yeah?"

If these migraines lingered any longer, she'd lose this job and she wasn't going to risk that as his night shift security guard job was all she had. She gets up and dusts herself off, re-igniting her determination to catch that child before he stirred trouble or got himself into it.

Staring at the exhibit, she decides to walk into it as she remembered the boy was in there for a long while, fixating on the portrait of one of Fazbear's Original Founders: William Afton.

Vanessa turns the portrait around. There was nothing behind the frame but the backing board and the boy hadn't unlatched it. Was there something inside it?

She unlatches the frame that held the Founder's face only to reveal...nothing. There was nothing inside. She places the image back into place and takes two steps back, feeling perplexed.

Why was that boy so interested in getting his grubby fingers on this picture for several minutes? Vanessa pondered. The security guard leaned in to get a better look at the portrait and smirks a bit. The Founder in the fancy blue suit was handsome and had a lovely grin. He seemed the kind of man she would have tried and failed to flirt with or maybe he would have been the type to flirt with her? Who knows?

Come to think of it, I don't know much about the original Founders of this Business. Nobody talks about either of them.

Vanessa recalls last year was one of Fazbear's Anniversaries. There were drinks, food and big speeches but, strangely enough, every one of those speeches skipped any reference to the two people who founded the company, narrating solely about history of Fazbear Entertainment's humble origins as Fredbear's Diner and its evolution into the thriving merchandise driven empire it was today, thanks to the efforts of everyone. It was like an unspoken rule, a mutual understanding between all employees, to never speak of The Founders.

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