Chapter 4: A Collision of Souls

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Location: Pizzaplex

Time: 5:30pm

"Greetings valued customers, the Mega Pizzaplex will be closing in thirty minutes." a robotic but hospitable sounding announcer broadcasted over the intercoms, "Please ensure that you've taken all your belongings before vacating the premises."

Will looked upwards past the glass panels at the setting sky which was a mangled hue of purple and orange, cuddling the Freddy Plushie in his hands. He had slipped away from the stage area and devoured his free meal (a hotdog in a bun) a while ago but presently, he had a problem.

He had gotten lost and had been out for longer than he had anticipated. Worse, he had no idea which door would lead him to his room. He'd entered a few hidden doors that were past the Gold Freddy statue on the first floor but every time he went in, the corridors looked the same to him.

Think Will, think of something that can remind you of where you originally left from...

It took him about several minutes but Will finally remembers a shop called Circus Beauty that was situated right next to the door where he first entered the Pizzaplex from. All he had to do was find that shop and he would navigate his way back to the room from there.

Eventually, he locates the correct door and tries to go back from the way he came. However, as he walks down, he heard two familiar voices coming from one of the rooms. Will pursues their sound, going closer until he can audibly hear them and cautiously, he peers in from the side and witnesses Vanny talking again to the Gold Rabbit Man she called 'Mr Afton'.

However, unlike all the other times he'd seen her, her rabbit mask was off while her costume remained on and now, he could see that Vanny was actually Vanessa, the Security Guard he had seen earlier.

But if they were the had she not recognised me back there? Will didn't have time to mull over this thought again as he listened Mr Afton's following words.

"Good...So the preparations for the Soul Transfer are ready?" Mr Afton inquired.

Will couldn't quite recall how long ago they met today. Was it Afternoon? Early morning? Time was hard to tell considering he lived in a basement with no natural light....

"Yes Mr Afton. Everything's in place and the Device is ready." Vanny apprises him.

"Excellent. Tonight I'll have a brand new body to continue my murder spree and experiments with immortality. Even though the Vessel didn't turn out the way I wanted, I feel like possessing it will still work in my favour because, if I'm in the body of a child, people would never suspect me to be the culprit of any crimes I commit in the future".

Murder? Will thought fearfully. He didn't know what it meant but he simply felt that it meant something very, very bad. An ugly feeling began to take hold, slithering in the pit of his stomach like a snake.

"Mr Afton, can I ask you something?"


"So what happens when you possess your clone? Will you be like...sharing a body with him or something?"

"Oh Vanny, my Vessel doesn't have a true soul. It only has an artificial one that's being sustained by a small amount of my Remnant. Think of him as like...a piece of dough separated from a larger chunk of dough. Tell me, what happens to the small dough when you roll it into the big dough, Vanny?"

"They merge together." Vanny states matter of factly.

"Exactly. Once I enter my Vessel's Body, my Soul will merge with his and he will become one with me. Whatever personality it developed or experiences it had over the past few weeks: POOF", To emphasise his point, he made the gold rabbit icon vanish. "Gone in an instant".

The Dark Rebirth: A FNAF Security Breach AUWhere stories live. Discover now