It was a hard time communicating with his cousins in Wyoming, he can barely use his cellphone that has a modified contact restriction. He had to purchase a separate telly secretly.

I never knew freedom until I left.

Theo stood up and went close to her across the table. "Look, it wasn't me. It was my father who left that note, he made my disappearance questionable. Especially for you." The next thing he knew, he found himself wiping a woman's tears.

"I made myself clear before." He pauses to dart an intent stare on Emily and console her. "I never make promises. I never pursue you. We are both forced into a shithole and play nice. We both know that for god sake." Hoping that Emily would understand that point again, he expressed his words as gently as he can.

Emily hates sobbing, especially in front of a man. She's desperate to calm herself down that she couldn't stop her tears from "You lied on that letter. You never fucking came back. How am I supposed to feel?"

He shrugged his head in disagreement. "Believe me, I was chasing my flight way out in England, I had no time to leave everything. Not even a letter to you. Everything was fucked up for me to think of anyone. I just have to get out alive."

"I don't know what to feel right now," that was all left for her to say.

"Your lips tasted alcohol. Emily, you need to rest." Theo didn't mean his first comment, but that made him chuckle softly.

Emily refused to stand up and he gripped both of his jaws with her soft hands. "Theodore, just— please..." Closing her eyes, she felt his sharp and freshly shaved chin. They both stilled and smell each other's breath, closely.

While quietly watching her, Emily calmed herself regardless of how tipsy she was. The gaze fell on her lips which he kissed; Theo recognized her favorite shade as he was the one who loves ruining it before. He kept wiping the tears and kept her breathing as she was aggravated by the alcohol, Emily failed to keep it minimal.

"Seriously, give it some rest." Theo insisted as he removed her caress and gently pulled her to stand. Once again, she tried to protest against the help he offered but Emily ended up clinging to his broad shoulders.

Her back landed on his soft and fab-con scented bed. She released a deep sigh and slowly opened her eyes to face the clean white ceiling. The lights were warm and dim, the wooden accent furniture softened the ambiance.

He was nowhere to be seen, and her body was getting heavy for her to get up and look for him. Emily closed her eyes once again to breathe at her own pace until she heard his footsteps. He felt Theodore beside her putting things on his bedside table, probably medicine for the hangover.

She hated being taken care of. Born from an average family, she was aware of the womanly circumstances in bigger industries. She had to take care and protect herself better than what was expected. She was built strong, wise, conniving, clever, and productive, Now, Emily is doubting her decision of following an ex-fiancé under the instructions of Harrison Fletcher. The thought was followed by a sigh.

"Are you allowing me to stay under your roof?" with her actual faint voice, she asked.

While pouring water from the pitcher, "I'm afraid I am. The rain's pouring again a few moments ago, you'll stay here with me." He offered a hot powdered coffee and some fruit bowl.

"You know my diet well, impressive." Emily can barely get up but it was enough to drink the glass of water beside the bowl. Using the steel fork, she picked for a few slices of banana to feed her stomach for at least.

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