Brother's Best Friend (BTS Yoongi)

Start from the beginning

"I thought you said you were getting your new telescope today, so I didn't bother," Hoseok said, getting Yoongi out of the skydiving gear. By now, the people running the skydiving program had arrived and started helping him out of the equipment. They apologized for everything and left your house.

"Oh yeah, I got it delivered earlier. I was searching for the daytime moon, and that was when I saw him falling out of nowhere," You started laughing again. "I was excited to spot an alien in my backyard, but it turned out to be you," You pretended to pout.

"Be glad that I'm a handsome human. An alien would've killed you after taking one look at your ugly face," He was usually very reserved around strangers, but he visited your house often when you were kids. You often bonded over your shared passion for stargazing. You had always had a crush on him, but he was always in a relationship, so you never bothered making it more.

You all settled into your house. You had a spare guest room, so both of them occupied it. You all got comfy on the couch while you put on a movie that you watched when you were kids.

"Yoongi broke up with his girlfriend 2 days ago," Yoongi turned towards you both when he heard that. You thought he would flinch. It wasn't that long ago, after all. But instead, he looked at you as if awaiting your reaction. "So I thought a trip would help him," It seemed as if even Hoseok was waiting for something to happen. You were confused but still felt bad for Yoongi.

"Damn, at least now she realized how dumb you are," You chuckled, trying to lighten up the mood. The relationship didn't seem like a big deal to Yoongi, so it was fine for you to joke about it. Hoseok burst out laughing.

"Come on! Cut him some slack. In his defence, she actually cheated on him, and he was happy to get rid of her." Hoseok said like it wasn't a big deal.

"Oh... Um, I feel bad for you?" Internally, you were happy. Yoongi was single again. Even if he didn't like her as much, a break-up has gotta hurt.

"Don't be. I wasn't that interested in her anyway," Yoongi shrugged it off.

"Oh, that's good then," You didn't know what to say, "Let's watch the movie-"

"Y/N, I need to talk to you," Yoongi interrupted you before you could finish your sentence.

"I'll go get the popcorn," Hoseok got up before you could say anything.

"Y/N, show me your new telescope," Yoongi said, getting up from the couch. You were still confused, but you welcomed the change of topic. You excitedly explained about your telescope and its features. You and Yoongi collected toy telescopes as kids. You were always fascinated by them.

"So, we can even connect our phone through Bluetooth and share pictures. It's so amazing!" You said, showing him your brand new telescope. "Look, there's Ophiuschus!" You exclaimed, looking at the constellation.

"Yeah! I can even see Delphinus." Yoongi said, looking through your telescope. You both spent more time looking at the night sky, completely forgetting about Hoseok downstairs. "Beautiful..." He mumbled.

"I know, right?! You live in the city, but the sky's much clearer here," You said, fascinated by everything.

"No, that's not what I'm talking about," His voice seemed closer than before.

"Huh?" You turned to face him, but he was already staring at you.

"I've always liked you as more than a friend, Y/N," He confessed.

"Wait, what?! But you always dated so many other girls. I thought you only saw me as a sister," You mumbled, looking away. Your voice grew quieter towards the end.

"I don't. You know how there's an unsaid rule about not dating your best friend's sister? Hoseok never said anything about it, but I always assumed it wouldn't turn out well," He chuckled. "I didn't want to create fights between us both, so I tried to get over you by dating other girls. It never worked out, they always complained about how I never give them enough attention, but that's only because I can't see them how I see you. I love how your eyes sparkle like the stars in the night sky. I can never get enough of your smile," He smiled and turned away, "It's okay even if you don't return my feelings. I'll understand if there's someone else you like..."

"What?! No! I do like you, Yoongi. I've had a crush on you for a long time, but you were always dating other girls, so I thought you considered me your sister..." You were happy that your dream was finally coming true.

"I- No, I don't, I'm so sorry, Y/N." You both sat down on the rooftop. "I should've talked with Hoseok a long time ago. All of this could've been avoided." He smiled happily. You could see a new ray of sunshine on his face. You were sure it reflected on your face too.

"Wait, you talked with him? Oh my God! So he knows about this?" You were shocked that your brother allowed this to happen. He was always very protective of you.

"Yeah, in fact, he encouraged me a lot," You both were unaware that Hoseok had been watching for a while. He was more than happy to see his sister and best friend together. He knew he could trust you with Yoongi.

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