"Because you said that you'll make time for me now, which means we'll be baking together," Taehyung grinned back and excitedly picked up the box, which made loud noises because of his quick movements. "So I'll teach you how to make gingerbread," he explained logically, looking at Jungkook. He waited to see how he would react since he kind of suspected that he would fight it, but he didn't lose hope. He just didn't give him a choice and waited until he finally adapted.

"Taehyung-" Jungkook began, taking a ragged breath.

"Come on," the younger one urged him, "hurry up because we're going to make gingerbread houses. We've got to get it all done because you've got that meeting in less than two hours," he gave him a mischievous grin and set the box on the table, which he had cleaned up earlier.

Pushing his tongue on the inside of his cheek to ward off the vulgar remarks, Jungkook clenched his fists tightly and mentally counted to eight in an attempt to calm himself.

Eventually, however, he did exactly what the younger man wanted him to do and removed the wooden board from the lower shelves to put it on the kitchen counter. "Good enough?" He uttered ironically, the corners of his lips lifting into a false smile.

"Well done," Taehyung praised him, not minding the fact that he had literally forced Jungkook to do it because, after all, his lover was capable of doing anything for him.

"You can take the dough out of the fridge, it's in a white bowl," he told him further instructions, while he opened the box and took out the plastic bag containing the baking molds. He made his way to the sink, directly dumping the necessary items into it. With his free hand, he turned on the tap and began to wash the molds.

At that time Jungkook walked over to the refrigerator and opened it again. When he had done so a few minutes ago, he hadn't noticed the white-colored bowl at all that contained the brown substance. He uncertainly grabbed it and closed the door with his other hand. It may have been his kitchen, but it contained things, unlike anything he had ever seen before. Why didn't he have any idea until now that such a thing was even here?

"Lay it down here." Taehyung gestured with his right elbow to the open space next to him, after which he did so and placed the object in question on the kitchen counter.

"You planned this, didn't you?" Jungkook stated suspiciously, leaning against the kitchen counter.

"Of course," Taehyung replied with a boxy smile, "in my home country, baking honey gingerbread is considered a tradition, especially at Christmas," he explained, turning back to the sink. With wet fingers, he turned off the water and placed the molds on a cloth he had prepared in advance.

Jungkook knew that Taehyung was from Germany, he was born there, and when he was five years old, he and his parents moved back to Korea. However, he had no idea that they celebrated such a thing as he was unfamiliar with European customs.

Once Taehyung dried his hands, he turned back to Jungkook, who had been watching him all this time, and took the dough from the bowl. "Now let's roll out the dough so we can shape the gingerbread cookies later," he then explained, as he didn't miss Jungkook's curious expression. He didn't look the happiest, rather the offended look on his face reminded him of a child who wasn't happy with the situation because it wasn't to his liking.

However, Jungkook's gloomy demeanor didn't last long, because after a while, when Taehyung showed him everything in detail, he started to enjoy it as well. He didn't think that such an activity would be able to evoke positive emotions in him, and certainly not that he would be able to laugh so much while doing it. Though in Taehyung's presence, anything was possible, as his company had a calming effect on him and made him change his angry thoughts into happy ones with any activity.

Let's talk about love or The fear of letting go [KookTae]✓जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें