He responded immediately and kissed me back. He place his hands on my hips and he backed me up until I was against the wall next to my door. But before I could get to excited about the kiss Be had pulled away. I couldn't help but be disappointed as he did so.

"Your really cute when you pout." He said as he smirked at me. I hadn't even realizer I was pouting until he brought it to my attention.

"Well I wouldn't be pouting if you hadn't pulled away from me." I replied as I gave him a wink. He gave a small chuckle.

"Like I said before Danielle I've gotten it wrong so many times before. I want to take it slow and get it right." I wanted to pinch myself at that moment. I mean is he even real? I may not know a lot about guys and I definitely don't have a lot of experience, but I do know that most guys don't want to take things slow. Most guys wanted to go as fast as possible, at least with the physical aspect of the relationship. It was nice to know that there was still some genuine guys left in the world.

"I had an amazing time with you Ben. I'm glade you asked me out." I said to him as I put my head down some feeling shy again for some reason.

He lifted my chin so he could stare into my eyes. "Well I'm glade you said yes. I know we just ended this date but I was wondering if maybe you wanted to do something this weekend?" He started to scratch the back of his neck again. It as beyond cute how nervous he was at the moment. It was also kinda funny when you thought about it. I mean hot shot Ben Barnes, girls dream man, and guys idol is nervous over little ole me?!

"I would love to. How about I give you my number, and you can text me." Wow that was forward of me. But like I said new me.

"Yeah, I would love that." He pulled his phone out from his back pocket and handed it to me. I quickly put my number in and handed it back to him. He looked down at it with confusion.

"Is something wrong?" I asked him as I looked down at the phone as well to make sure I didn't put the wrong number in.

"It's just that you put the name as Danielle, I think Gorgeous is a better name title." I couldn't help but laugh, and blush at his corniness. I lightly slapped his chest. He leaned down and gave me a slow kiss on the cheek. "Until next time gorgeous." He turned around and walked away.

I touched my cheek to make sure it was really mine. That he had really just kissed me there and made me feel like he just did. I leaned against my door for a moment thinking about how the night played out. I wanted to slap myself for being so worried. It was an amazing evening. Ben was an amazing guy and I had an amazing time with him. He seriously was perfect in every way. I moved away from the door and unlocked it. When I did both Tabby and Penelope fell to the floor.

I couldn't help but laugh at how they looked at the moment. "Eavesdropping are we ladies?" I questioned as I started to laugh harder. They both gave me an annoyed look as they both up. "Hey don't be mad at me, be mad at Einstein for being right about gravity." We all started laughing after I said that.

"So how was the date?" Penelope questioned as they followed me into our room.

"Oh you mean you didn't get your answers from eavesdropping?" I asked sarcastically.

"Okay okay we get it we shouldn't have been eavesdropping, now tell us how the date went." Tabby said to me as she pulled me over to her bed to sit down. I sat down in between her and Penelope.

"Honestly it went better then I expected it to. Everything about the date was perfect, from the time he picked me up, to when he kissed me, it was magical." I couldn't help but think back to the kiss we shared. It truly was amazing first kiss.

"You kissed?" Both Tabby and Penelope screamed at me, causing me to jump up. I could feel my cheeks getting warmer, I knew I must have been blushing.

"Yes we kissed." I couldn't get over how much I sounded like a twelve year old girl with a crush.

"Omg how was it? Did you guys French? Did you feel fireworks? Was it better then any kiss you have ever received." This is just a few our of the many questions they asked about the kiss. They both kept asking questions one after another, it was hard to keep up with them.

"Guys, calm down. Like I said before it was prefect. And yes there was definitely sparks." They were about to ask more questions when my phone went off indicating that I had a text message. I walked over to my phone and picked it up. Saved by the bell, well more like message.

~I had an amazing time with you tonight Danielle. I can't wait until our next date. Maybe next time I won't act like such a nervous wreck. Sleep well Gorgeous.


I couldn't help but smile brightly at his words. "Who was the text from?" Tabby asked.

"Ben." I said to them as I showed the what he said.

"Awww that's to cute! I can't believe you have Ben whipped after one date." Penelope said with a laugh. I giggled at her words and got ready for bed. As I laid in my bed my mind drifted off to my date with Ben and the fun I had with him. He was different then I thought he would be. He kind of had a player, bad boy, jock attitude and energy about him. But spreading just a little time with him I realized that he was nothing like that.

I was about to go to bed when I got a message.

I turned around and picked up my phone thinking it was Ben again, but when I read it I realized it wasn't from him.

~Remember he will never be able to make you feel the way I do. And I'm gonna fight for you. ~

It was a message for Luke. At first I wondered how he had know I went on a date with Ben, then I remembered I told everyone about my date yesterday. Thinking about yesterday made me think about the kiss Luke and I had shared. Talk about a heated kiss. That little memory was all it took to have Luke back in my head. I already knew I would be spending the night thinking about both Ben and Luke. Was I really ready to go down this road, was I really ready to be put in the middle of Luke and Ben? Between my past and my present. God help me now.


So guys I need to know. Are you team Luke or are you Team Ben. I personally can't decided, and I'm the writer! :o Lol Remember to vote and comment!

Also if you haven't already go check out my new book The Shy Girl and The Bad Boy!!!:-)

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