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Cale was laying in front of the TV while eating some grape, she glanced around her and saw her three adopted children, On, Hong, and Raon playing together.

Her husband was now at work and he will return early as well, Cale couldn't wait for her family to gather and to rest for their short vacation.

She sighed happily with one thought.

What a peaceful day.

Knock knock knock!

Ah yeah.. Why did she forget that she always jinx it?

The harsh knocking on the door was urgent, so Cale went to the door and opened it quickly.

There... Standing in front of her door, her dearest little sister stood, with her usual peachy cheeks tainted with tears.


Her shaking voice filled Cale's mind  with a single thought.

'Who dares....? '

Something inside her snapped.

Cale haven't heard what's the problem, and she didn't care.
She was more than ready to throw some hands.

"What the fuck happened, Lily?"

She said through gritted teeth as she pulled her dear sister to embrace her, she closed the door and sat on the sofa.

Cale patted Lily's back softly and motioned for her kids to stay quite.

Lilly's eyes were already red from crying, her nose was twitching as she sniffled and hugged Cale tighter.

"Unnie... Sob... Ch- Chris cheated... Sob... O- On me.. "

She finally said through her sobs.

Cale smiled when she heard the man name.

She already hated this man, it wasn't the first time that Lily came to her complaining about him.

She told her lovely sister, please be careful, please don't make that man hurt you.

But she can only do this much, her sister was now older and she had to go through her life by herself.

But everytime Cale looked at how the cheerful girl in front of her was slowly changing, the rage in her heart was only burning stronger and stronger.

It was part of life to go through all of this, but it doesn't mean Cale will accept her adorable sister changes that easily.

And the changes weren't even for the best, her sister was losing her cheerful character, her bright smile was always dimmer and dimmer everytime she visited Cale.

Her bright eyes started to lose the shiny glint inside them, all because of that man.

Cale had enough from her sister suffering, she grabbed her hand and walked to one of the room in the house.

The room has a lot of music equipment and instruments, Lily looked confused at why was her sister taking her to her show room.

Cale Henituse, she was one of the few idols who refused to do a real job, and only sing and danced when she felt like it.

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