Chapter XII: Brokenhearted

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Yoongi: I'm leaving now. I left the kitchen clean.

You didn't answer.

Yoongi: Tomorrow I won't be able to come, we won't be at the house either. See you maybe next weekend.

He left after that.

Finding yourself alone, you began to sob. You were only 16 when you started liking Yoongi, now you were almost 20 and had been married for several months, but he had never looked at you the way he looked at Suni. He had never had a gesture with you, not even a small one, he never tried to kiss you again, nor had he hugged you once. You didn't seem like spouses, or even friends, and on top of that he had warned you that he wanted to get a divorce. It seemed like you were doomed to live out the remainder of that marriage as a woman who did not receive love.

And to think that you had not dared to look at any man since you were 16, out of respect for him, even though you had many suitors. You never even thought of Philip other than as a friend. But Yoongi had the nerve to tell you to your face that he aspired to be with another woman.

You felt desperate, trapped in a maze with no way out. Since you were a child, you had dreamed of living a love story and marrying a man who was crazy about you. You longed for love, you dreamed of your first kiss. And yes, you wanted that man to be Yoongi. But at this point it seemed like nothing was going to change between you two. At one moment, you didn't know if soon or late, you were going to be a divorced woman, repudiated by her husband.

How shameful! And after that, would anyone else be willing to marry the rejected woman? They would think there is something wrong with you.

Your head began to fill with bad thoughts. You cried harder. There was no one to comfort you, nor could you see yourself with compassion at that moment. You fell asleep in tears.

On Monday morning you were getting ready to go to class when you grabbed your cell phone and checked your notifications. You had a message from one of your friends.

"Y/n, we won't have classes first thing. The teacher informed us that she will not be able to come.

We decided to use the time to study for the exam. Are you coming to study with us?"


Well, I'm already on my way. See you in the library."

"Okay. We will be waiting for you."

Since you had the phone in your hand, you decided to check social media. You were astonished when you saw the internet full of photos of Suga and Suni. The news stated that, on Sunday afternoon, Bangtan and N3bula had visited an amusement park jointly and although all the members were together, the photos focused on the two of them due to the more intimate attitudes they showed without hesitation.

You were devastated again; you couldn't stop crying. It was so much so that you couldn't go to class that day.

Seeing that you weren't there, your friends started texting and calling you, but you didn't answer them. You felt too bad and didn't want to talk to anyone. You dropped the cell phone and it fell under your bed. You didn't want to know anything.

They were very concerned about you, but they didn't even know where you lived, so they couldn't go looking for you.

Suga was at the company that afternoon, he was working on a song together with RM and j-hope. His phone started to ring, it was an unknown number, so he didn't answer. But they insisted many times.

RM: Hyung, you should answer. Maybe it's something important.

Suga did so. He was startled when he recognized the voice on the other end.

The ties that bind usTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon