"Umm... but Emily just asked and I sort of said yes." He says regretfully, his cheeks still slightly flushed before he realizes he is still holding my hand.

I bite my lip, my smile falling before squeezing his hand, letting it go my stomach dropping. "Oh, that's fine."

"I promise I would have said no if I had known you wanted to go. I just panicked and I also thought you would going with that loser from the soccer team, and-"

"What?" I question, cutting off his rambling.

Tim pauses, the red in his cheeks deepening as he avoids my gaze, "I... I saw you and Daniel Bennett talking. I thought that y'all were going to go together."

My eyebrows shoot up because Tim was watching that?

Is he in the walls or something? I didn't see him at all.

"Oh, umm..." I tuck a strand of hair away. "He mentioned it but-"

"Oh, I-"

"Yeah, no, I'm gonna go with him. That's good, you go with Emily and I will go with Daniel," I cut him off as he realizes that I did not have a date. "That way it won't be weird between us."

He pauses, his spine going straight, "Weird between us?"

I open my mouth before I shut it, "You know, I'm not feeling well, I'm gonna go. I will see you!"

"Wait, Katie-"

I don't listen and book it away before I word vomit even more.

If I hadn't stopped myself from talking, I could have made it so much worse. So much worse. Then I would have lost them both.

Kira raises an eyebrow, "What was that about?" She asks.

"Emily asked him first," I get out, making her eyes widen.

"Katie, I'm so sorry. If I had known-"

"It's okay," I flash her a fake smile, wrapping my arms around my body.

It's not. My stomach feels horrible and my eyes sting a little.

I have to tell Hazel about this.


"I am sure that Tim wanted to go with you but he was just being dumb and thought you didn't want to go with him," Hazel tries to reason with me as I pace around the room.

"I made a fool of myself. Why would he assume we were going together? Ugh!" I huff out, flipping down on my bed.

"I promise you Tim doesn't think it was weird," Hazel says, sitting next to me.

Bunny hops onto her lap, and she ruffles her fur until Bunny decides to attack her hand. She takes her hand away and Bunny sprints off of the bed.

I look up at her, "You really believe that?"

"Yes," Hazel nods, "In fact, I think he probably panicked that you had a date and didn't want to be the one to show up without someone."

"Why would it be that?" I question, my eyebrows pulling together.

"Well-" Hazel cuts herself off, "Nevermind. But he probably did."

I accept her answer, but it doesn't fix the whirlwind in my stomach.

It doesn't help that I still feel horrible about my kiss with Red. Why did I try to take his mask off? Why did I think he would trust me with that?

-ˋˏ partners in crime ˎˊ-   ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ◪ tim drake ◩Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ