"Oh," I say, looking at it, "That's really cool."

"So you do have a type?" Kid Flash asks.

"Me?" I ask, my eyebrows skyrocketing. He nods and I frown as I think, "Umm... I mean I don't think so." There isn't a strong correlation between Tim, Red, and Dean. "I mean my ex wasn't smart, but I do like guys that are smart."Red looks over and I suddenly feel weird about saying it. Well, too late to be self conscious now. "And confidence isn't bad if they have a right to be confident." I think for a moment before saying, "And reassuring, a good friend. Maybe guys with darker hair." I am only guessing Red has dark hair under that cowl. I know Tim does. "Yeah." I nod satisfied.

"Oh, have anyone in mind?" Wondergirl asks, leaning in.

I shrug, a small smile on my lips, "Wouldn't matter if it was." I aw Tim talking to this girl in the hallway the other day... she had her hand on his bicep. I didn't stop to see much more. Even thinking about it makes an ache in my chest. "Hypothetically speaking, the guy I like, likes someone else."

Everyone's eyebrows shoot up at this, and I nearly laugh at Red's expression with his cowl.

"What?" Arrowette asks, "Are you sure, because I thought that-" Wondergirl covers her mouth to cut her off.

"What she means is, you are amazing. How could he not like someone like you?" She fills in with a sweet smile.

I shrug, "I mean we are friends first and foremost. He must view me only as a friend."

"He sounds dumb," Traci decides.

"Hmm," Kid Flash mutters, while Red looks annoyed with the whole situation. Maybe I should have brought up me liking anyone... "Well, Red Robin, do you like anyone?"

Red looks even more annoyed, glaring at the speedster.

"Come on," Blue Beetle baits him, "At least tell us your type."

"If memory serves correct," Traci cuts in, "I think his type is blondes."

Oh. Well at least I have that going for me. But the girl Tim was talking to was also a blonde. Would I lose both of them to her if he knew her?

Red crosses his arm, looking like he isn't going to speak before he says, "I guess that's true."

"What else?"

He looks up from the floor, his eyes looking at me before he looks away, clearing his throat. "Someone who values friendship above everything. And is pretty funny."

"Come on, give us some more specifics!" Kid Flash says, earning a glare. "Okay, nevermind." He holds his hands up in surrender.

I look down, remembering how close Red and I got to kissing when he came to my room when he was hurt. He had dodged me. He didn't want me to know who he was. Maybe he already has a girlfriend, one I don't even know about. That the team doesn't know about.

The thought makes me feel sick.

"Katie, are you okay?" Blue Beetle asks, his eyes on me in worry.

"Yeah, I am okay," I nod, "Just a bit tired."

Red catches my eyes again, worry on his face, but he doesn't say anything.

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