A few people in suits look at me weirdly as I cough awkwardly and say, "Sorry, cramp."

They look at each other before walking along, minding their own business.

I hear Red chuckle in my ear, "You haven't gone undercover yet, have you?"

I open my mouth to say no before I shut it tightly, looking up at one of the cameras with a slight glare as he laughs again.

A second later I find myself trying to hide a smile as I tuck a strand of hair out of my face so he can't see and move through the hall to the elevators.

When I get on, I get a few weird looks, to which I return with a weird look.

Then I pick a random number to stop at, pretending I know exactly what I am doing despite never having been in this building before.

My parents weren't exactly big on 'bring your kid to work' days. Probably because they didn't ever actually stop working when they got home so every day was 'bring your kid to work' day.

The doors open on the stop I picked, which happened to be one of the lower levels, and I get off without a second thought.

"Do you know where you are going?"

Hopefully to a computer.

I don't move to answer this time, getting the hang of being covert fast as I eye two men in suits to my left.

They stop what they are taking about, one of them looking at me with a slight glare.

"What are you doing down here?" He asks, his voice strong and sure that I was not supposed to be here.

Good for him. He is right.

A twinge of panic goes through me before I smile, "I'm getting something for my parents. They own this company."

He looks at me up and down before shaking his head, "They wouldn't have asked you to come down here."

So he believes they are my parents, but not that they would trust me to come down here? Right again. Man this dude is good.

"Well... they did so I don't really know what to tell you," I shrug. I hear Red sigh in my ear, but ignore it as the man glares at me.

"Come with me," He says, grabbing my shoulder.

I push away from him, my hands forming fists as I feel energy start to spark through my body. The nerves are not helping with keeping that under wraps. Or me undercover.

I stop it, taking a deep breath before I say, "Don't touch me. That's rude to just grab someone like that. I will-"


I can't let that happen.

"Stella, are you-"

The man pulls me, making me dig my heels into the ground.

"You can't just grab me!" I hiss, kicking him in the stomach.

He doubles over groaning and I side step, running at the other person. His eyes widen but he doesn't try to stop me, he only gets out of my way.

I make it into the elevator slamming the button for the door to close as my chest heaves up and down. They barely shut in time, the scientist that grabbed me running into the metal doors.

My hands shakily find the button for the lowest floor, just hoping it will be what I need.

"Ste-can you-Stella-" My communicator breaks in and out, Red's voice breaking through my panicked state.

-ˋˏ partners in crime ˎˊ-   ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ◪ tim drake ◩Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt