Her hair starts to stand on end as energy pours into her, the plant dimming.

  I go to check on Captain Atom, but my eyes won't leave her, too worried something bad will happen.

  She bares her teeth, grunting as the last of the energy pours into her.

  The light completely dies out aside from the light coming from her, the outline making her look like a star in the night sky.

  "Stella," I whisper, low enough for only me to hear as she flies back down to us, her eyes slowly turning normal.

  Captain Atom beats us, "We have to release some of this," He says, stopping Katie from even landing. "Go as far up as you can, Stella."

  She nods, and for a split moment, I see a hint of fear in her eyes before determination sinks in and she flies straight up.

  I watch as he joins her, her stopping much sooner than him as she needs oxygen.

  When she knows she is far enough, and she truly looks like a star in the sky, she lets go, the energy exploding out around her as she holds her arms out.

  The energy stretches on and on, lasting for what seems like forever before the white light slowly dissolves and she relaxes her body.

  She stays up there for a few moments as Captain Atom releases his before she starts to come down, him still in the air.

  She lands next to me, her face slightly paler than normal.

"Are you-"

  "I'm fine," She sends me a smile before she looks up at Captain Atom as he starts to fly back.

  When he lands he lands next to her, putting a hand on her shoulder, "Good job," He says, making her smile before he takes his hand back and they both look at Batman.

  "Thank you," I cut in, knowing Batman won't say it.

  Katie winks at me in acknowledgement before looking back to Batman.

  "We will look into what went wrong. For now, we will keep people away." He informs them.

  "That's best. Hydroelectric energy is not something you want to mess with," Captain Atom says before adding, "Is that all?"

"That's all."

  He looks down at Katie, nodding. Katie looks at me, smiling before they both turn and take off, flying away.


(the next day)

  My eyes go to Tim next to me as we both finish our math test.

  I wipe my forehead, the pressure in it hurting as I close my eyes for a moment, then feeling sore with lack of sleep.

  It hasn't exactly been easy for me to sleep lately. While I am exhausted with all of the training and missions, my mind can't turn off. And when it does, it's either a light sleep or it is nightmares about being back in that place. The place that gave me these powers.

  I push the thought away, my eyes opening. I turn to Tim, his eyes already on me. The bell rings, and Miss Grouchy pants starts barking orders for the people not done as she takes the tests up.

  "You feeling okay?" Tim asks as we step out of the room, walking together.

  "I'm fine, just tired," I reassure him. "We can talk more in Chem, I will see you then,"I tell him before I rush to my other class. He nods, turning to go the other way.

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