"Umm..." Tracy hesitates before she says,"You almost just explained your situation."

  "It's different!" I huff out, "I don't think Katie is a bad person and my intentions were not the same. And I am going to tell her soon," I add as I see Steph open her mouth to say something, "I just need to find the right time."

  "No time like the present," Bart says, speeding to me and throwing an arm around my shoulder. "I would know."

  "I would rather not have a fight break out the moment she is welcomed onto the team," M'gann says, walking up. She must have heard a little bit of the conversation.

  "Noted," I nod in  agreement before I look past her and realize only Conner and Artemis are following. "Where is Nightwing?"

  M'gann and Conner share a look before she says, "He took a personal leave from the team."

  "What?" Several of us ask. He didn't mention anything like that to me.

  "I'm sure it won't be long," She reassures us, "But as of right now, I am going to lead the team."

  "Wooo!" Bart cheers as the others congratulate her.

  "So," Conner says to me, "You are pulling a Grayson?"

  "Not wise," Artemis throws out a comment, smirking as she remembers Brooklyn and Dick's situation.

  Brooklyn eventually forgave him but she definitely made him work for it. Apparently Wally, Artemis' husband meddled in their relationship too. It all worked out in the end though.

That's somewhat reassuring.

  "No," I sigh, rubbing my face, "We are friends from school. And long story short, she met me as Red Robin too. She doesn't know we are the same person and I don't think it would be fair to spring it on her now with everything going on in her life."

  Plus she has been extremely pissed with me as Tim for a bit and just forgave me. I don't want to do anything to jeopardize our friendship just yet.

  It's selfish, but I just got her back. I want her to stay for a while before she gets mad at me again.

  "Understood," M'gann nods. "So only code name for Red Robin," She informs everyone to make sure they know before she looks back to me. "How is she getting here?"

"Ed," I answer causing Bart to stand straighter.

  "Wait, she knows Ed?" He questions. "Interesting..." He mutters, and I sense something devious going on in his mind. I drop it though because I can't worry about more than I already am.

  "Yup," My eyes go to the tube as anxiety grows in me. I'm nervous for this. I don't want her to be scared of the rest of us, but I don't want her get so close that they slip up and tell her. "She has been training at S.T.A.R. Labs."

  "What are her powers?" Tracy asks, walking to stand next to her boyfriend. He realizes this and takes her hand in his, making her smile.

  "They are similar to Captain Atom from the sound of it," M'gann supplies for me, "Nightwing sent some information over so I wasn't completely in the dark." She adds with a smile.

  "I'm just glad we are getting another girl on the team," Arrowette, or Cissie, says with a huff as she crosses her arms and looks at us, "We are seriously out numbered."

  "Not too bad," Virgil comments as he stretches his arms over his head. "We are like one off."

Cissie realizes this and shrugs, "Seems like more than that."

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