ricky snagged the bottle next, taking a swig after nini. "alright, and the second surprise," ricky smacked his lips, nini still listening intently. "aaliyah texted me today saying that she wants you and i to write a song for the next season of good girls! isn't that insane?!"

if nini hadn't been so high on life in that moment, she would've frozen at the sound of aaliyah's name coming out of ricky's mouth. she knew she had to work on this weird, as she thought it was, jealousy issue inhabiting her, so she tried to let the actress' name fly over her head. they were friends, after all. this wasn't out of the ordinary.

"that is so cool!" nini cheered, reciprocating ricky's energy. "how did it come about?"

"she told me that she was just raving about both of us to the music producers and recommended us for next season's score. she just got word today that we got the green light! she's going to send me some official scheduling stuff next week," ricky explained with light in his eyes.

despite nini's attempts to repress the icky feeling in her gut, she let something on her mind slip. "that's awesome," her smile faded a bit, and she hoped ricky wouldn't notice. "why, uh...why did she just text you if we're both writing the song?"

ricky's lips parted over nini's tone shift. "i–i don't know," ricky responded, but after he let the words out, he picked up on nini's change in demeanor. the not-so-subtle slump of her shoulders smacked some sense into him. "oh, nini, don't tell me you're mad about that?"

"oh my god, of course not!" nini spoke quickly and defensively. "just...it's just weird that she only texted you."

ricky scooted closer to nini, placing a hand on her kneecap. "i know what you're thinking, and please don't," his fingers tapped against her leg. "aaliyah is our friend. she wouldn't cross any boundaries. but, i'll still tell her to make a group chat with the both of us. problem solved."

nini bit the inside of her cheek, cursing herself for overthinking so much. she desperately hoped her irrational worries didn't hurt ricky. "i'm sorry. that was stupid to say," nini apologized, looking ricky in the eyes. "forget i ever said anything."

"you don't have to apologize," ricky kissed the tip of the girl's nose, knowing that if the roles were reversed somehow, he would possess the same skepticism. his face remained close to hers, their breathing filtering through each other. ricky cautiously put the champagne bottle to the side, closing the gap between him and nini's lips.

there was a passion in that kiss nini had never felt before. she originally labeled it as something of celebration considering the circumstances, but as ricky moved on top of her with a hand messily on her waist, she subconsciously wondered if it was something of persuasion. she didn't have much time to think about it, though, for ricky's lips were starting to move against hers so intensely. it wasn't long before his lips were the only thing flooding her mind, powerful enough to convince them both that it was time to return home.


"ricky, stop!" nini struggled to insert her key into her door's lock with ricky's hands on her waist and lips on her neck. "give me a second." she couldn't enter the apartment fast enough.

once they did, nini shrieked as ricky lifted her by the hips, placing her on the kitchen island softly. the boy stood between her legs, hands gripping on the side of her thighs as he pressed his forehead against hers. once nini's hands found his hair, she pulled ricky's lips to hers again. they didn't stay there long, heatedly dragging from her jawline, to her neck, to her exposed collarbone while nini wrapped her legs around ricky's waist. the girl's head hung back as ricky's hands moved all over her body, eventually freeing her from her shirt. after some time, she was strong enough to come back down to earth and tap his back to suggest that they move their make out session elsewhere.

the couple trampled up the stairs to nini's bedroom, ricky shutting the door as nini sat on the bed. she crawled backwards closer to the headboard as ricky followed her, throwing his shirt off before hopping onto the bed himself and hovering over her seductively. there was no hiding where this was going.

"do you want to do this?" ricky whispered, gifted star necklace now dangling over nini's face.

nini's eyes read from ricky's waistline, across his bare chest, and up to the curls that now flopped over his forehead. underneath him, she felt powerless, but it was like she wanted to be. she could barely utter any words, just wishing that ricky would get his hands on her again. "y–yeah," she stammered due to the breath caught in her throat, ricky's body lowering and causing the innocent star from his necklace to clash onto her own that rested on her chest. "do you?"

"more than anything," ricky's tongue ran across the inside of his bottom lip, using a hand to push some hair from nini's face. "let me know if you want me to stop, do something else, more of something, wha–"

"ricky?" nini ran her hands down his arms, eventually looping her fingers around the belt loops of his jeans. she closed the final space between them as she pressed his body against hers.

ricky's eyes followed her hands until he decided to look up at her once again, heart throbbing. "mhm?"

the girl nodded quickly, latching her lips onto his again like her life depended on it.

the girl nodded quickly, latching her lips onto his again like her life depended on it

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𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄 𝐀𝐅𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐘𝐎𝐔 [a rini au]Where stories live. Discover now