Babysitter!- Akashi Seijuro

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Hey do you guys remember when i said i love you all so much in my last chapter * i think * but yea, so i reached my first 1.k reads - wooot wooot - YAZZZZ!! Thank you all for reading my shabby work i ♥ all of you a thousand times more than i did before. Thanks.
Babysitter!- Akashi Seijuro

Today was one of those rare cases where Akashi didn't have work and was not going to take you on a date, sadly. Today it was just you, your five year old son, Akashi........ and (son's name )'s old babysitter. You may be asking why is the babysitter going to spend time with us? Well it because she decided to visit your son and spend the day with you guys. "Akashi-kuuuun~♡ do you want to have dinner now" she said in a sing-son voice, she was dragging your husband with one hand and carring your son with the other. You stopped reading fanfic, and put your phone down so you could eat with them but there were no seats left in the table, mainly because it was only ment for your family of three (k/n note that they have a mansion ). "Ummm (name )-san so sorry there's not enough seats but your on a diet, right" her voice said with a fake appoligetic tone.

You just smiled and went back to the couch, reading fanfic on levi x reader, and the reason why you were reading insted of spending time with your family is beacause of her. All day up till now she has been excluding you and flirting with your husband. You were a bit mad.... wait not a bit mad, you were pissed at hell. You took action so you called her over and stepped outside. "What do you want i was just to ask Akashi-kun on a date" her voice spiked you "excuse me" "you herd what i said". You were flabbergasted, when you waked inside after six minutes you found the she-devil with a shocked and angry face, while Akashi was sitting on the couch with his emporer's eye activated. Meanwhile your son was telling his former babysitter "i hate you, go away" he was acting like Akashi was in highschool but a bit more childish. "( name )." Akashi said making every body in the room fall silent. "Yes Seijuro....oh... yes, (son's name ) go to sleep now it's bed time". Your son nodded and went to his room to sleep, but before he left he said the exact words dad will never date you, and with that she ran out of your house. You sat beside Akashi and started to cuddle with him "i wont ever make you feel like that again ny empress." You smiled and kissed him, and continued to cuddlr till you fell asleep.

After story:

It's been a month since the babysitter incedent but it never happened again. It was Akashi's day off again and you two are on a date. Since it was summer you wore black skirt, a poka-dotted shirt, and two peices of your hair was tied back, even though you were twenty-five you looked you, therefore making heads turn. Akashi knew this and was not happy. "HEY BEAUTIFUL" " WANT SOME OF THIS" random men shouted at you not noticing Akashi ( kuroko style ). You never noticed Akashi the absolute emporer would get jealous but he couldn't take it so being the guy he is he pulled you by the waist kissing you and with his free hand he groped your butt making you gasp, he took that chance to put his toung into your mouth. You wanted to resist but you melted in to the kiss. Lets just say the guys didn't bother you anymore, Akashi was not jealous, you two love birds did not go home, he did not go to work the next day, you went to a hotel ( u know where im going with this ) the guest beside your room had problems with alot of noises, and your body was sore.


Hope you liked it. Kinda sexual in the end tho . Hahaha. Not funny. So yes. I kinda have writers block so please REQUEST. And i want to do a Q&A in celebration for my first 1.k reads so please put any question . And i mean any question in the comments, i will answer the first 21 or more questions. If tou cant com up with a question you can look at my 20 facts about me chapter and get idea's from there so please ask question. You can even ask more than once.

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