Lillian started to share with Jackson how she was feeling about this mission.

"We're going to talk to the Lady of the house," Jackson completely ignored her complaints.
"They're not going to succeed in this mission," I whispered in Latin.
"How do you know about the Red house?" Will replied back.
"I used to work there, but not as a host. I was only ten so that definitely wasn't going to happen especially with her rules." I told him.
"Why don't they have a chance?" Mabel questioned.
"Madam doesn't like the Hunters at all unless they give her what she wants. They're not going to even get to her because you have to work there in order to get to her office," I explained.
"You know the lady?" Bill questioned.
"Yes, she saved me from a cruel fate and she also helped me get Mabel out of jail," I explained.
"Is that how you got all of that money?" Mabel said.
"When did you go to jail?" Will was now curious.
"We were homeless because we were supposed to be picked up by one of my mum's friends. She never picked up us so we were homeless for a while and I had to steal while he find small jobs." Mabel explained, "People didn't want to hire me because I was a girl or it was sexual."
"They're never going to get past the door," I said.
"Should we even help?" Mabel questioned.
"I want to see them suffer for a bit and maybe I'll help since I still remember my work number," I smiled.
"Devilish..." Bill smirked.
"They deserve it..." Will didn't mean to say that out loud.
"I don't blame him... I have one with Lillian," Mabel crossed her arm.
"Why with her?" Will asked.
"She keeps thinking I'm trying to steal her fiance which doesn't make any sense because I have one of my own," Mabel said.
"Sorry about that," I said to Mabel.
"I want her to suffer a bit since I've told her that I'm not trying to steal Benj," Mabel muttered.

We all looked at the house and I remember it being a dull red, but now it was a bit brighter. I smiled softly as we all agreed that we shouldn't help.

Once we all stepped in we heard music, drunk people, and sex. We all snickered as Lillian was miserable. Jackson was trying to make Lillian more comfortable with this whole situation.

We all just watched as Jackson and Lillian tried to talk to the host and hostesses. They were ignored also or they offended them and got slapped.

"Nothing?" I asked.
"They are so rude," Lillian groaned.
"Um... You were talking to two customers," I pointed out.
"I was?" Lillian muttered.
"Yes, all the host and hostesses are barely dressed," I explained, "They have bras and underwear, but depending on them they have garters."
"But some of them are naked," Lillian whispered.
"And?" Mabel said, "It's just people naked. Nothing you haven't seen before since you've seen yourself undressed."
"There is a difference!" Lillian said.
"They are refusing to answer," Jackson said.

I saw one of the servers and asked for water using my worker number since I don't have any money.

"Thank you," I smiled.
"No problem," He winked at me.
"Wanna share?" Mabel asked.
"Sure," I gave her some water.
"Don't drink that," Lillian said, "What if it's poison."
"They wouldn't hand out poison especially since the drugs they have aren't lethal unless it's a large amount," Dipper muttered, "The drugs also can't leave the second level."
"Are you four going to help?" Jackson groaned.
"We are helping as well," Will said.

They went to talk to more people and we had to pretend to help. I took off my cloak and just stood there. As I walk around and I hear people whistle at me.

"Back off," I heard Bill glare at someone.

I felt him grab my waist and pull me towards him. I felt my face head up as he hugged me from behind.
I turn around and he was glaring at someone behind me.

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