
Start from the beginning

"Wil!" Phil cried at the same time.

"Awww, did you guys miss me?" The 6'5 man stood up, spreading his arms wide. He hadn't changed much since they'd last seen him, when he died.

Wilbur still had the old brown coat of Pogtopia and the same creepy smile. The only changes were he had a white streak in his hair, a bandage on his arm, and a dangerous glint in his eyes.

"No." Tommy whispered, backing away slightly. "No, he's not real."

Those who hadn't met Wilbur before were open-mouthed in shock. Puffy was inching closer and closer to the edge of the podium. Ranboo and Allie sat frozen in the front seats.

"Ah, but we're all here for a funeral, are we not?" Wilbur said, sitting back down. "Please Puffy, it's Puffy, right? Continue."

"I- I- Uh-" Puffy stammered. "As I said earlier, Lilia died trying to save us from the Eggpire. Her sacrifice wasn't in vain and we will cherish her memory..." She trailed off. Fear shone through in her eyes.

Niki gave her an encouraging nod, despite being so pissed earlier about Wilbur returning.

"And she's still here, whether in spirit or memory, and we will never forget her." She finished. A few of the audience clapped, Wilbur especially.


Puffy  met Ranboo, Niki, Tubbo, Allie and Sam at the ruins of L'Manburg.

(yeah ik we hate sam shut up)

"Who- who did this?" Niki asked quietly. "Why is Wilbur back?"

"This morning, Ghostbur entered the prison, along with an invisible Tommy." Sam informed them. "I didn't see Tommy until both of them were in Dream's cell. I forced Tommy out, and... and I left Ghostbur in."

"Why the hell would you do that!" Allie cried, looking ready to fight Sam. "That's- that's cruel."

"That's just plain wrong on so many levels." Ranboo said, shaking his head. Despite his calm voice, his different colored eyes betrayed that he was angry. He was only here for a funeral, not for a prison break-in.

"If anything it's your fault he's back." Niki growled, pointing her finger at Sam.

"Hey, I was only doing my job." He defended, putting his arms up. "Tommy was there to kill Dream."

"Maybe the job didn't need to be done." Allie whispered. Then her voice got louder. "Lilia is gone because you let her sacrifice herself! Now Ghostbur is gone and Wilbur is here because you had a job, and you did it terribly." The girl stormed off, flipping Sam off in the process.

"Leave her be," Puffy grabbed Sam's arm before he could follow her. "She's lost a lot."

"Uh...are we done here-?" Ranboo asked awkwardly. "Can we go now-? Some of us have...things to do."

"Yeah, sure, leave." Sam motioned for them all to leave. "This isn't over."

"Oh, you bet it isn't you little..." Niki started, but Ranboo pulled her away.


"What do we do now," Tommy whispered. He was sitting on the floor, in the attic of Tubbo and Ranboo's house in Snowchester. He was with Allie, Ranboo and Tubbo.

"I'm so done with the adults." Allie sighed, leaning her head against a wall.

"That's what Lilia said before we went into the prison." Ranboo said absentmindedly, playing with Michael.

"Why did you even go in there?" Tubbo asked quietly.

"Because...Lilia thought it'd be better for us to just do it rather than the others to argue about it and do nothing." Allie responded.

"We thought- we thought that by sending her to the Red Banquet instead of her going into the prison, that she would survive." Ranboo picked Michael up and sat next to Tubbo.

"Well obviously that didn't turn out well, did it?" Tommy said bitterly.

"Says the one who went into the prison to do the exact same thing." Allie snapped. "We all tried and failed okay? We should just stop before more people die or get revived!"

"What happens to Ghostbur now?" Ranboo asked. "And- and Lilia. We have no idea what will happen to them..."

Tommy lifted his head up. "But we know someone who does..."

ahah this was supposed to be published last year- but i hope you enjoy the two other lacuna chapters! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2022 ⏰

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