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in game
The Aftermath...

this plot is a little different than the actual events of the Dream SMP


For the first time in the entirety of the Dream SMP, there was silence.

No screaming, no swearing, not a whisper.


"Oh, hi Captain P*ssy- oh sorry Puffy! Puffy!" Tommy chirped, bumping into her while walking down the Prime Path.

"Tommy-" The woman sighed. "My day was already bad."

"Oh, who- who hurt you again? I mean, it wasn't me this time I hope."

"No- no Tommy, did Sam tell you?"


This sent Puffy into a state of agitation. "Oh no, oh no, Sam was supposed to tell you, I can't do this, I really can't." Her gaze was unfocused and fixed on the ground, and she was walking around in circles.

"Tell me what? Puffy, it's okay, what happened? Puffy!" The younger boy tried to calm her.

"She's gone, Tommy. Gone." Puffy said hollowly. "And she's not coming back."

"What? What do you mean, who's gone?"

"You know who. The girl who runs around in the rain when her beloved can't. The same girl who stood beside us in the war. The girl who loved building and unity while her best friend loved destruction. The girl everyone loved."


"I think you all know why we're here." Puffy stood on a podium, just outside of L'Manburg's ruins.

There were more people at this event than the L'Manburg elections. Allie, Tubbo, Tommy. Ranboo and the rest of the Syndicate. Fundy and Sam, and the residents of the Greater DreamSMP.

"We're here for a funeral, a celebration, a gathering." She continued. "On April 25th, our dearest friend LiliaRose gave her life to save us from the Egg." Puffy shot a withering glance at the entrance to the Egg cavern.

Everyone was aware that the members of the Eggpire weren't there, but didn't mention it.

"Lilia wasn't old enough to leave her possessions or to even write a will so her entirety of possessions will go to her immediate family.....um Fundy?" Puffy said, trying to speed up the boring parts.

"WOOOO!" Fundy cheered. "Free stuff!" A few people in the crowd laughed, but it became silent after a few seconds.

Puffy cleared her throat. "Anyways—"

She was interrupted by a slight coughing in the back of the crowd.

"Huh-?" She muttered, looking into the crowd to find the source of the noise.

"Don't I get anything?" A voice that hadn't been heard in ages sounded out. "Her only living family surely can't just be Fundy, can it?"

"Sh*t." Fundy's eyes widened, all traces of excitement gone.

"Wilbur." Niki hissed, turning around and glaring at the person.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2022 ⏰

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