Guy:"*in a foreign language* He said he wants to fight ten people."

Asher:"Boy, thank god for subtitles am I right?"

Kiba:"Why are they talking differently?"

Asher:"There is a war between the two countries, so that's a reason, I won't go to far into it because it doesn't matter...........much."

The commander looked shocked, he went closer to see if he had heard closely then repeated the word ten just to make sure. The man who is a tranlator confirmed this, the commanders lieutenant just laughed.

Lieutenant:"Lets see how good he is."

The commander gavethe signal which he lieutenant nodded to.

Lieutenant:"Attention! Unit 1, unit 3, unit 5! Start!"

All of the white gi's stood up and went into position, the translartor bowed and left not before he told Naruto to be careful.

Naruto took out a half eaten potato out of his pocket, thenhe set it near the bloodied bag of rice.


Asher:"The bloody beg of rice was because a sparring partner of Naruto's died and he fell on the bag. Naruto has the half eaten potato because he wants to bring something to his family to eat, in this world they are living in poverty."

Minato:"How sad. How did the an die? Isn't this some type of tournament? Not a death battle."

Asher:"This not a death battle or it shouldn't be, nor is this a tournament. Whoever beats a person the get a bag of rice, if they beat two people thenthey get 2 bag of rice, so on ans so forth. The lieutenant, the guy that was laughing, is a cruel man, Naruto sparring partner tried to beat two guys aafter he beat one, unfortunatly he lost. he went to get te bag of rice but the lieutenant shot him dead."

Naruto gripped his seat in anger, he canOt speak for himself never knowing the guy, but he felt angry for his alternate self. That lieutenant guy had togo down.

Naruto wne to the middle of the mat, then ten of the black belts surrounded him while the others sat down. They all bowed then went into a fighting position. Naruto just stood there, then he gave his respects to his opponents, after that was when the black belts went to attack.

Gai payed close attention to the fight, sure they won't bemoving t high speed where he might have trouble seeing them, but this Naruto is a master at this Wing Chun technique, then he could possibly learn something from this.

One of the white belts jumped forward to kick naruto on the face, but Naruto caught him and droppedim down, then stepped over him by stomping on his face. Anoher went to punch him but he blocked and gave a swift punch to his face in quick speeds. And he so with the next one, and then the next. He grappled the other twisting his arm in an angle that held him in place. Naruto then processed to punch him in the face a couple of times, before he kicked him on his jegs dropping the man.

Once he did so, he rolled out the way of the incoming kick, while he held still held on the mans hand breaking it with a sickening crack. He went up and rolled up his sleeves to improve his mobility, and also slightly mock his opponents ( I know that's not why Ip man did that, but this is naruto). One of the black belt went to kick Naruto, once again naruto caught his leg and pulled back making him do the splits. He kicked away one of the black belts that was to his side about to attack him. Then with the same leg he stomped on the guys leg that he was hoding, breaking it without much effort.

most of the audience clutched their leg, or their arm, like they were the ones who got it broken. The sheer focus that Naruto has to be able do what he is doing without staggering or hesitate was incredible.

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