Chapter Nine

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As soon as we got home, I tried running to my room but my mother caught up to me grabbing me by the arm pulling me back downstairs

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As soon as we got home, I tried running to my room but my mother caught up to me grabbing me by the arm pulling me back downstairs.

"You are not gay Damita!!" She yelled smacking me across the face a few times.

My father stood by watching her.

"Why are you doing this to us!!!" She screamed in my face knocking me to the floor.

"Yo what's-" Davis said coming downstairs getting my mom off me.

"What the hell is going on?" He yelled as I sat up crying hysterically.

"She is fucking Monet!!"

"My fucking best friend since we were kids!!" She was crying as well trying to get at me but Davis held her tightly.

"I'm sorry" I cried out.

My father stood there not saying anything, he's always been afraid of my mother so it doesn't surprise me that he isn't helping me.

"You know what your not my daughter anymore I fucking hate you!!!"

I bent down crying in my hands as my face stung a whole lot.

"Ok let's everyone calm down" Davis said

"No I want her out of my house!!"

"Mom please"

She shook her head getting free from my brother but she didn't charge at me again just started shaking.

"Damita get the fuck out of my house"

"Where will She go?" Davis asked her

"I dont care just not here in fact both of you get the hell out, Davis you obviously want to take her side go!!"

"Mom we are your kids!"

She wiped her face taking a deep breath before looking at both of us, "I dont have any kids, especially that dyke bitch!!" She looked at me again.

"Come on Mita" Davis said helping me up.

"Let us get our stuff"

She shook her head again, "No everything in this damn house I bought just leave NOW!"

Davis was crying also as we walked out the house, I dont know where we going but it would figure it out.

"Here's an ice pack" Aaliyah said handing it to me.

"I dont know how they knew we were there" I started crying again, Davis went to his girlfriends & Liyah's parents loved me & did not care if I was gay so they let me stay here.

"Do they have a tracker on your car?" I thought about it for a second & nodded

"Yeah how could I be so stupid."

"I dont know how they came back so quickly"

"Well apparently your mom talked to my mom & told her they were coming back early to surprise you & Davis"

"Why did they track me though?" She shrugged not knowing.

"I hate them, now I have no clothes no nothing" I cried again as Aaliyah held me close.

"Its ok"

It's been Six days since everything happened, I haven't talk to Mo I am pretty sure she doesn't want to talk to me but dont blame me for trying.

I dialed her number trying not to break down again.

"Hello" Mo said in the phone

"Hi" I whispered

"Damita, I haven't heard from you in a few days are you ok?"

"" I sighed as the tears flowed

"I am so sorry for getting you in this" She sighed

"You did nothing wrong sweets, you can't help how your family feels about us."

"I love you Damita" I moved the phone from my ear & exhaled loudly before putting it back to my ear

"I love you too Monet" I hung up the phone sitting there for a second thinking.

A few weeks later

I finally finished my SAT & ACT even though it was a lot going on but I scored very high, Davis bought me a new car & a little condo since he started selling drugs & quitting the football team, I didn't know how big a toll this took on him but it did my parents haven't talk to either one of us.

We only had a few weeks left for school & it was almost over thank god.

I sat in the diner with Aaliyah & Sade, Sade is now like 5 months. Liyah is very happy with her.

"How you feeling Mita?"

"Good actually" I smiled

"Have you talk to Monet?" Liyah asked

"Not since a few weeks ago.." Just then Whitney came in the diner without bobby & a black eye.

"Hey guys" she said sitting down.

"Damn girl what happened to you?" Sade asked staring at her eye.

"Bobby huh?" I asked handing her extra pair of sunglass that were in my purse even though we had our problems we talked after everything that happened with me.

"Yeah but it's over now" She nodded.

"Good" I touched her shoulder.

After school, I headed to Home just so I can relax & think about school since I got into UOF & TSU, it was so exciting.

After taking a shower, three knocks came on my door.

"Who can that be?" I asked walking over to the door.

Opening it, Bobby stood there with a gun in his hand

"Don't!" I yelled before the gun went off & I fell on the floor & everything went black

Is this how it all ended for me?

Mom's Best Friend {Short Story} {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now