I ate a bit more chicken so I would be full and wouldn't have to cook tonight.

"I should go now. We have school tomorrow." I stated as I got up.

On-jo and her friend pretty much ignored me.

Cheong-san offered me a smile, "Bye."

On-jo rolled her eyes.

I raised an eyebrow at her but didn't say anything.

Gyeong-su stood up as well, "I'll walk you home."


"I can't believe you rambled on about chicken for so long." Gyeong-su laughed.

I huffed, "I just wanted to be helpful. I've had a lot of experience cooking."

There was a distant look in my eyes.

"Yeah..." Gyeong-su stepped closer and wrapped his arm around my waist.

We walked in a comfortable silence for a few moments.

"Why does On-jo hate me?" I pondered aloud.

"Your friend's with Cheong-san."

"Yeah.. only friends." I sighed.

I looked up as we approached my house.

"Want me to stay the night?" Gyeong-su asked, knowing I'd be all alone.

I nodded silently and grabbed his hand, pulling his through the front door.

We both kicked our shoes off and then I locked the door.

Gyeong-su glanced at the clock, "We have a few hours to kill before sleeping. Want to watch a movie?"

"Yeah. You can choose." I told him as I went towards the kitchen to get snacks.

He headed into the living room to set the movie up.


By the end of the movie, I was almost asleep.

We were cuddling on the sofa.

Gyeong-su's arms tightened around me for a moment as he gazed down at my sleepy face, "Tired?"

I nodded and rested my head against his collar bone.

He pressed a kiss against my forehead and lifted me up, carrying me upstairs.

We both got changed in the bathroom and then crawled into bed.

"Night. I love you." Gyeong-su whispered.

"Love you too." I whispered before succumbing to sleep.


It was another normal day at school... or so I thought.

"Guys. Take your seats." The teacher told us as she walked into the classroom.

I sat in my seat behind On-jo and her friend.

They whispered to each other and then glanced back to see if I heard.

I looked out the window and pretended like I couldn't hear every word they said.

"Time to hand in your phones." Ms Park told us as we all got up and placed our phones in the box.

"Who's in touch with Hyeon-ju?" Ms Park asked.

No one responded.

She had been missing since yesterday but I didn't think it was a big deal.

She was probably skipping.

All of us are dead | Gyeong-su Han x reader (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now