He looks back at me briefly through the rear view mirror, before taking his eyes back to the road.

The rest of the car ride was short and thankfully, silent. When we pulled up to the entrance of our building, I couldn't get out of the car fast enough. I throw Iris' backpack over my shoulder before carefully carrying her out.

"'Thank you, for dropping me Sir" I say formally, with as much courage and dignity I could muster after that humiliating drive, "Ma'am" I nod at Natasha, before turning and walking straight in.

That's it. Nothing more for tonight. Let this cursed day be finally over.

The next day, I woke up feeling extremely anxious about how my day would go today. Last night was... it was unexpected. I hadn't expected that Oliver would be thrown back into my life let alone have a window into such an intimate part of my new life.

It was all so overwhelming. I didn't even know if he'd considered he was Iris' father, or if he even cared in the first place. There was just too much going on and I could feel my head spinning. I knew I needed to eat, but I couldn't bring myself to put anything into my system with all the stress coursing through my veins.

"I am not going to daycare!" Iris screamed for what seemed like the millionth time that morning and I groaned.

"Cmon, darling. You know you have to go. I'll be back to get you before it gets dark- I promise!" I begged, leveling down to her height so I could look into her beautiful stormy eyes.

"Mamma you said that yesterday" She says in tears and I feel my heart clench.

"I know and I'm so sorry for that but I'll be on time today I promise" I say through a lump in my throat, knowing perfectly well that might not be true.

Somehow I manage to convince Iris and drop her at the day care before catching my bus to work on time. I was still a bunch of nerves and it felt like my anxiety only got worse as we got closer. I silently prayed this bus ride could somehow magically never end.

But it did. Before I knew it, I was making my way out of the elevators towards my desk. I'm sure I looked like shit. I barely slept or had a chance to do my hair properly before rushing to work. Somehow, I couldn't care less. It seems that between yesterday and today, all my fucks to give had been spent. Now all I felt as I slumped into my chair was exhaustion.

"Wow, did you get knocked over by your bus this morning?" Rhys said, placing a coffee mug down on my desk. I smile at the sweet gesture and immediately help myself to a huge sip.

Ah, yes.

"I'm sorry, I thought this opportunity would be good for you" Rhys says looking at me with worried eyes, "but it has only made you more miserable"

"That's not true" I lie, smiling at him, "I'm just dealing with the new routine that's all. Nothing I can't handle" I end it with a wink which makes him break out into a smile.

"We don't deserve you, Alena Hale" He says, while turning to walk away.

My smile fades as I watch a figure standing in the doorway of his office. I immediately get on my feet.

"Good Morning Mr. King! I had no idea you were already in! Can I get you something to get started for the day?" I say quickly, looking everywhere but his eyes. My hands automatically start shuffling papers around my desk. I didn't know what I was doing, I just needed to seem busy.

"My day started two hours ago Ms. Hale" He replies stoically.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't know I was expected-"

"Yes, yes. You don't seem to know anything about anything do you? Tell me Ms. Hale, how long have you worked in a corporate job?" He interjects.

I look up at him, nervous. I felt my palms get sweaty. I couldn't comprehend why he would single me out like this considering I hadn't done anything wrong yet. I didn't know about the new routine, I wasn't sure I still did. I couldn't help but feel that maybe this was about last night.

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