Chapter Five

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While Fez and Lexi sat in a comfortable silence, he tried going on his phone to muster up any kind of courage to talk to her. It wasn't until her stomach growled slightly that he titled his head up.

It was in this moment that Fez looked at Lexi. She sat across from him, one leg tucked underneath the other. Her shorts were barely visible which left a lot fo room for her bare, smooth skin.

'Oh fuck.' Fez thought to himself as dirty thoughts clouded his mind.

"Did you want to order food?" He asked, breaking the silence. Lexi angled her head upwards, a small smile gracing her face

"Sure, I forgot how hungry I was," She chuckled,her cheeks gave away her embarrassment as she stood up to sit next to Fez. "There's this pizza place down the road?" Lexi showed Fez their number and he dialed the phone number.

"Sup man, can I get a cheese pizza, a deluxe pizza and a Hawaiian pizza with two orders of breadsticks?" Fez asked. Damn, that was a lot of food. Fez gave his address and the two continued to talk.

"I had a lot of fun today," Lexi admitted, leaning her head on the couch to speak to Fez. He looked at her on amusement,

"How the hell was it fun?" He asked, knowing that Ash's words and body language had affected Lexi poorly. She shrugged and smiled.

"The weather was beautiful, the water was nice plus we had a good lunch and I got to spend it with you which wasn't too bad," She teased in a flirty tone. Fez welcomed her flirt with open arms. Shit, he'd welcome a lot more if she wanted to.

"Yea yea, my presence was obviously needed," He insisted. Lexi laughed at his sincerity and in just fifteen minutes, the doorbell rung, signifying that the pizza was there.

On cue, Ash had entered the living room. Fez had gone to pay and placed the food on the table while Ash approached Lexi. She was confused until she saw the cooling gel in his hand as he held it out sheepishly. Ash didn't want to admit it but he tried applying it himself in the bathroom but it didn't feel as good as when Lexi did it. She applied it with care and precision while Ash applied it with haste and annoyance.

Fez watched the encounter. Lexi grabbed Ash's leg with care and despite his rigid posture, he still watched as Lexi applied the gel to his leg. Fez could tell Lexi loved to care for others and Ash, well he needed more than one person to care for him.

"Cmon, the food's gonna get cold." Fez beckons the two. All three of them sat around the table and dug in. Pizzas were passed along with breadsticks, sauces and beverages. Some random show was playing as the three sat in silence, all not realizing that their hunger was taking over.

"How much was it?" Lexi asked, reaching into her purse on the table, showing the money she had.

"What?" Fez asked. There was no way she was gonna pay when she helped Ash but Fez was continuously surprised by Lexi. All his life, everyone only took from him. They expected handouts, free drugs, free services, not Lexi.

"The food?" The money was limp in her hand. Ash was in the back, throwing away the empty boxes.

"Uhm, you don't gotta worry bout it Lexi, this one's on me," Fez was genuinely confused which made Lexi confused.

"Oh okay, well thank you," A small smile gave way. Fez switched the show to another movie as the two got comfortable. When she thought Ash would leave, probably having enough of her in their space, he only jumped on the other couch, a bag of chips in hand and asked, "What movie is this?".

Lexi felt her eyes begin to shut so mindlessly, she shot a quick text to Rue, telling her to cover for Lexi. Rue replied with a simple 'ok', not asking any questions because Lexi had done so much for her in the past.

"Yo Lex, you wanna take my bed?" Fez asked after he carried Ash to his room. Lexi shook her head.

"No, I'll just lay down here." Lexi mumbled through her tired eyes. The couch was hitting just the right spot, she felt as if she could sink and stay there.

"Cmon Lex, I don't want you sleeping out here by yourself." Fez replied, tugging softly at her hand. He wasn't lying. The living room was right next to the front door, anybody with a motive could bust in, see Lexi and do something to harm her.

Not on Fez's watch.

"Then sleep with me," Lexi replied, her eyes still shut. With sudden strength, she pulled Fez to her on the couch. It was a small couch but with the right maneuvering, Lexi rested her body on top of his. Their legs tangled as she nestled in deeper to Fez's welcoming arms.

"You're gonna be the death of me," Fez shook his head as he got comfortable, wrapping his arms around her waist.

"And you smell really good." Lexi replied. Looking back, she realized just how much sleep affected her. She really felt like she was saying whatever first came to her mind without thinking.

"Goodnight Lexi." Fez whispered, kissing her forehead.

"Goodnight Fez," Lexi replied, slipping into a deep slumber. Fez, however, couldn't get himself to calm down. While he was sleepy, having a beautiful girl, one who's been on his mind every second for the last week, sleep on him made his heart go haywire.

Eventually though, he also fell asleep, wondering how he got such an amazing girl laying in his arms.

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