Warning This is Not and Will Be a Rave

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I woke up in a small room. No one else was in here. Why? My vision was blurry, I could really see much of anything but then the door opened and, ... Dave..

"D-dave." My voice was hushed.

"Karkat! Your awake! It's about time." He smirked and sat next to me.

"How long have I been out?.." 

"Just an hour."

"What happened." 

"Well,.. This party.... It's a target." My heart froze. Why am I scared..? I mean this isn't my first mission. And I don't have anything but my fighting skills... I'm so dead.. "And..2 people are dead."

"Who?" I ask worried.

"Kanaya and Feferi" He said looking down.

So they're gonna take us out as quickly as they can.  I assumed in my thoughts, "Can we go? Like leave? Or are we out of here? But it doesn't seem like it and," I began to sit up. Waaay to quickly and fell back down. "Ow."

"hey slow down kid." He sighed, "Look. the mansion has been blocked in. No way out pretty much. Sooo we are just gonna have to pray someone finds us before we die."

Why did he have to word it like that. I sighed. Great. He got up and walked to the door but stopped to look at me. 

"Hey... you've been stabbed kinda at the center of good and bad so I would rest up. If you want I can help you to your room?" He offered.

"Thanks I wouldn't mind going." I sat up much slower. 

He walked up to me and! Picked me up bridal style!!

"Hey put me down. I can still walk!!" 

"It's fine. I'll just carry you." He smirked. 

I fought against him beating lightly on his chest and shoulder and gave up.

"Tired of losing Kikat." He smirked, AGAIN! 

I rest my head on his chest and sigh. the hallway was long and didn't look like any of the bedroom halls but then again I have no idea. Minutes passed and we got to a staircase.

"I can walk up the stairs." I was feeling kind of guilty for having him do this.

"Nonsense. I got you now."

~PoV Change Dave~ 

I kind of enjoyed hoping him. he was so light. Almost like I was holding air. He clearly was tired. I could tell by him yawning.The stairs were annoying but it was only 2 flights. He was so peaceful also. I can't believe the kid's a Vantas. His brother is so fucking annoying and his father is super boring. But this kid. He has a story that he won't share with me yet. 

His room was coming. "Um Mr. Strider..." He started

"Yes?" I reply keeping a cool voice.

"I can walk into my room." We were at the door.

"How about no?" I open the door swiftly with one hand and walk in. Papers were all over the small wood table by the TV. I wonder what they were for. I set him on his bed and run my hands through his hair gently. "How about you get some sleep. Rest then we can figure out a way out." 

"Yeaa.." He yawned lying down on his bed and instantly feel asleep the moment his head hit the pillow. He was snoring softly. my feet backed me out of the room and carefully shut the door behind me. 

God he was truely adorable.

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