18) Betrayl. {Part 2}

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Thomas' POV.

(Y/N) asked if we could move to somewhere more private. Of course I said yes because I could tell why. I knew she hadn't had a full on relationship in a while and I didn't think she wanted to go round flaunting any new ones straight away. She sat on the bed and a look of worry spread across her face.

"Love? Everything alright?" I asked as softly as I could. She looked exactly up at me and shook her head with a smile on her lips.

"Yeah babe, everything's fine! Come here." She opened her arms wide for a hug and I embraced her. "Are we going back downstairs?" (Y/N) asked as she pulled away and sat back on the bed. I joined her and replied,

"I thought you were the one who wanted privacy?" Jokingly. She nodded.

"Yeah yeah! I do I just mean like later?"

"Whenever you want love, I'm not gonna stop you?" She smiled at me. I didn't wanna be like some restraining boyfriend who was constantly a proper arse. She leaned in and we resumed kissing, then I remembered everyone downstairs. They could've been worried or looking for us? Then again, with Dylan and Kaya down there, nothing bad would've been happening. Those two always got everything under control and kept calm in bad situations.

Kaya's POV.

I looked around the house for a good 19 minutes trying to find (Y/N). I admit, I did get a tiny bit worried. I bumped into Ki.

"Hey Kaya, what's up?" He asked as I continued to search.

"Have you seen (Y/N) anywhere?" I asked.

"Nope not since we arrived? Also, have you seen Thomas? I've been meaning to ask him something?"

"Thomas... Holy shit! Thomas!" I squealed, realising what I'd done. Ki just stood there in shock.

"Uh, you okay?" I smiled and nodded my head vigorously.

"Okay... Don't tell no one yeah? But..." I started to whisper loudly so he could still hear me over all the other people and music. "I think I got them together!" I pulled away and his jaw was dropped.

"Seriously! Does Dylan know?" I shook my head with a blank expression on my face. "Crap... You might want to go mention something..."

"Why? He won't mind will he? (Y/N)'s older than him-" He cut me off.

"Yeah but Dylan and Thomas are like, best mates! If this goes one way, it won't turn back around." He was right. I needed to find (Y/N) before I spoke to Dylan though. Good job I knew what she was like though. She was never a very 'get to the point' kind of girl. If her and Thomas really were a thing, they would only have kissed. Plus it's their first night as a couple and (Y/N) isn't a slut. I checked all round the house again. Back garden, front, bathrooms, spare rooms, everywhere! Then it came to my mind. Maybe (Y/N)'s room? I walked up to the third floor. Their house was so big! Heading down the corridor I came to outside (Y/N)'s room, but only to be greeted by a worried Dylan.

"Hey Kaya, have you seen Thomas anywhere? I need to ask him something really important." I didn't want to tell Dylan about Thomas and his sister but from the way I was 'hiding' it, it could've slipped out at any moment.

"Nope sorry haven't seem him gotta go to the... Uh bathroom now bye!" I said all that on one breath and sped past Dylan. He stopped me as I reached outside (Y/N)'s bedroom.

"Everything okay?" He asked, edging closer. I backed away.

"Yeah everything's fine. I just really need the loo so, if you please." He waited for me to turn around and go into the bathroom at the end of the corridor. It's almost like he didn't trust me?.. Wonder why... I peeked my head out the door and noticed Dylan rattling the door handle to (Y/N)'s room. I bathed out and jumped on Dylan.

"Kaya what the hell! Get off me!" He was angry, but not just at me.

(Y/N)'s POV.

I heard the door handle shaking but not properly, so I just shook it off. It wasn't until I heard yelling from outside my room that I moved my face away from Thomas'.

"What's wrong babe?" He asked, pulling me back on and kissing my neck.

"Nothing." I answered blankly. All of a sudden, Dylan swung my door open and glared at me and Thomas, Kaya behind him trying to drag him out the room. I jumped up off the bed and moved over to him. "Dyl, do me a favour and go-"

"NO! I'm not going anywhere!" He yelled and pushed me against my wardrobe. I moved over to Kaya.

"How the fuck did he find out!" I whisper yelled to her.

"I swear I didn't tell him! I didn't even know myself! I just came up here looking for you the. I noticed him trying to get in here..."

"Dylan, listen mate. I can explain."

"DON'T use that same old shitty excuse with me Tom okay I've heard it WAY too many times!" He was literally in his face. Thomas stood up and got back in Dylan's but he still stood his ground. "I don't know what you think your playing at! Going behind my fricking back with MY sister and not telling me!"

"She's almost 25! She can do what she wants!"

"That doesn't mean I want my best mate 'goin round' with her does it!" I had to jump it. I didn't want Thomas getting hurt but Dylan was my little brother and I HAD to protect him if anything got bad.

"Dyl, come here now. Let me talk to you."

"No. Anything you have to say, you can say I front of these two as well." She said sternly.

"Okay. Fine! I'm sick and tired of you trying to act like dad. We moved away from them for a reason but now your going all protective over me! I'm not having it! Like Thomas said, I'm nearly 25. I have my own life as well you know! Why are you bothered if your best mate fancies me? Or is even going out with me? I know a few of my mates who you've had a god damn huge crush on!" He moved closer to me.

"Come here!" He grabbed my wrist and dragged me into the bathroom outside my bedroom. Slamming the door behind him, he turned to me. "Listen to me! 1. I don't care who's older, end or the day you are still my sister and I don't want any of my mates gettin on you, and 2. Don't bring that up! Your the only person I told about that and you literally almost blew it-"

"Oh come on Dylan your acting like a fucking five year old! Do us all a favour and grow up!" I stormed out the bathroom and slammed the door behind me. I hated him right now. I went back into my room and grabbed a small suitcase from on top of my wardrobe. Throwing a few essentials in there along with my iPad, phone and chargers, I zipped it up and grabbed Thomas and Kaya's hands. I pulled them downstairs and towards the door. "Where's your hotel." I almost yelled through my teeth. Dylan came stomping down the stairs behind us.

"Ey! (Y/N) stop what are you doing!" I opened the door and Kaya and Thomas went out before me. I turned to Dylan and said snottily,

"Happy birthday, little brother." I followed Kaya and Thomas and slammed the front door, harder than ever in Dylan's face. He'd kicked off for no reason at all that night. I don't care if he was trying to be a good brother, I am my own person. And he needs to learn that.

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