𝟬𝟬𝟯. 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗕𝗜𝗧𝗘 𝟮𝗫𝟬𝟭

En başından başla

"All right, unit four what's your 20?" Noah asks and I look at Stiles, who seems to realise something. "I swear, I've never seen anything like this," the man says again and I look down, poor victim.

"Take it easy, I'm on my way," I hear two doors open and Mr. Stilinski turns around. "Now as for the three of you-" he states and I turn around also, seeing them gone.

"Well... you can go home," he says and I nod. "Okay." I say and get out. I see Noah drive away and let out a sigh, focusing my gaze on the cemetery. I walk over to there and soon rain started to fall, just a little. I barely noticed it falling, but it was there.

I see Isaac working. I'm a little nervous, I mean I've never really confronted anyone about anything. I usually just let it go and move on, but this time I wanted to put effort in something.

"Sarah." Isaac says glancing up at me and then he starts working again. My blond hair has gotten a bit dirty, but I look good. "Isaac, hi," I say shyly, my confidence disappearing completely. Normally, I'd walk towards my mother's grave, sit against it and talk about my day, staring at Isaac and when he'd stare back I'd glance away embarrassed.

"Hey?" He asks and frowns, searching for why I am still standing there. "Yeah. Hi. Um. Your black eye is gone?" I ask and frown. "Yeah. It healed." He says and I look at him. "Healed? So fast?" I ask and shake my head. He just nods and I look down. "Oh. Well, I guess it doesn't matter then. I was just worried but if you're fine-" I cut myself off, realising I've said too much.

"I'll be going." I whisper, walking away. Isaac suddenly grabs my arm and I look at him. He let's go of me and looks me right into my eyes. "Thank you." He says and walks over to me. "Not many people like me, but thank you." He says and I give him a smile.

"Of course. Maybe we could eat lunch together. I usually sit alone." I say my cheeks burning bright red. "Sure, tomorrow?" He asks and I nod eagerly. I'm making a move on him, instead of waiting. I guess it feels sort of good, but I'm still nervous.

"You're cute, you know that right?" He says and I look up at him, confused. "What?" I ask and he chuckles. "Sarah, have you looked around you? Boys have always been staring at you, you're beautiful. And girls envy you, you're friends with Lydia Martin who in the beginning was pretty popular, but now... and you're smart, pretty." He says and I just stare at him.

"Sarah?" He asks hesitantly and I snap out of my thoughts. "Thank you, I appreciate you saying this, but it is only half the truth. Boys just like my body, not me. And girls," I chuckle shaking my head. "Girls just rumour and laugh at me." I look down at him and then let out a sigh. "I didn't mean to make it sound so.. sad." I say and glance away.

"It doesn't," he says and opens his mouth to say something else, but I beat him to it. "I should go, for real." I say and look at him. "Thank you. I'll see you at school." With that I turn around and quickly walk away.

By the time I came home it was already darker than usual. I felt safe that I closed the door behind me, locking it. I walk inside and let out a sigh. I was tired and I didn't really wanted to do anything right now, but I was also thirsty.

I walk towards the kitchen and grab a glass from the cabinet. "Can I have some?" I hear a familiar voice say and I gasp, letting the glass drop. I move away from the male figure, my breathing faster. "D-Derek," I say and look at him wide eyed.

I see he caught the glass and put it down, getting close to me. I move back until I hit the wall. He smirks evilly and I breathe heavily. "You're confused," he says and I shake my head. "You broke into my house." I say and look at him, fearing whatever he might do to me. The worst thing was that all I could think about was my mother.

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