Reincarnated! WTF!!?!

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I literally couldn't believe what I was seeing. Like I thought maybe I have hit my head, cracked my skull open, am strapped to a ventilator and in a coma. I mean sure I have read fanfics before where you are transported in Harry Potter but in that you are still you or well atleast an OC, not a already existing character especially one that plays such an important role but I guess Hades or God or even Godess of death forgot to give me 101 rules for reincarnated handbook.Huh! And here I thought I was the only one slacking my responsibilities...

"Hermione love, are you ok? Does anything hurts? Want me to call the doctor? Said Hermione's mother I am assuming, startled me out of my thoughts.I thought for a moment to tell her no I'm not Hermione, I'm Y/n but if her crying and blubbering was the response to my scream well I definitely did not want to think what they would do if I said that. Not to mention that they definitely did not believe in magic or atleast not until Minne came on her 11th birthday.
So, instead I said, "I'm just peachy (biggest lie of the century). Are you ok? "Now that you woke up we are perfect love." said Mr.Granger. "what do you mean woke up?" I asked. Hermione's parents shared a look and then Mrs.Granger said," Sweetheart don't you remember anything that happened?" "Am I supposed to remember something?" I said. " Well, love...umm... You were kind of unconscious for 2 days. But you are ok now so there's that." Mr.Granger said. "2 days!!?! What happened?" I demanded." Well sweetheart some kids were making fun of you apparently (she made a disgusted and slightly sad face) and well no one knows what happened but next thing you know is those 3 were flung back to unconsciousness and you collapsed." Mrs.Granger said. "I see..." Well that explains the dehydration and thin body. "Are you sure about continuing the same school?I mean I know you are quite a strong girl Mione and I know that you want to prove that their words don't affect you but just maybe think of moving somewhere new ok sweetie?" Mrs.Granger said. Suffice to say I was confused and I expressed that.
And then I realised why Hermione was such a perfectionist, it was because she just wanted to fit in. Hermione was always different than others probably because underage magic but others bullied her for it and the only way she could fit in was to become the best that and I guess she too wanted a break from reality so, the love for books. She too had many accidents and her parents wanted for her to start somewhere new but Hermione was stubborn (such a gryffindor) and didn't want to cause her parents inconvenience since their dentist shop was here. Now I finally know why the hat chose her as a gryffindor even without knowing her future actions.

I wasn't Hermione.It was one thing to convince your parents (never gonna get used to that) that you are thier daughter another thing to convince a whole school. And thats why I asked them if we could really move. They were shocked it was easy to see but there was also underlying hope.I guess you really can't see your daughter in danger.

And thats how ladies and gentlemen I changed the most important detail in Hermione's (or I guess mine) which inevitably brought me closer to Harry Potter (The Boy Who Lived).But I guess you'll see how, won't you?


I really am pumped up for this. I really hope you like this.
Oh! and thanks for sticking with me 😃

Mischief Managed

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