"Why are we still arguing, Harry? I just want to be at peace for once." He whispers and there's tear streaming his eyes, Harry not controlling himself holds his face wiping the ones that leaked his eyes.

"I'm so sorry, Blue. I'm doing this for you, yeah? You're not going to be with my stupid arse anymore, you'll be with Kyle and in New York, having the time of your life." Louis sobs at that and Harry pulls him in for a hug, his body relaxing at the soothing touch of Louis.


Louis left when Harry was not home and Harry realised it when he entered inside and found nothing but silence and coldness in his large penthouse. There was absolutely no sound, nothing, at first he thought that maybe Louis is in the bathroom or something but when he got no response and he found Louis' side of closet almost empty he realised that the boy left.

No goodbye nor a good luck just walked away.


Next day he got a call from Liam saying that the divorce papers are on their way, Harry finds himself wishing that they weren't. Somehow he'd still be a part of Louis' life but it was selfish and his entire life Harry has been nothing but selfish.

The familiar loneliness crept in him as he went back to his previous routine, one that was before Blue eyes and warm smile dug through him.

The club didn't gave him any thrill and he couldn't even kiss someone without thinking of Blue eyes.

It was two weeks after the papers were sent to Louis and himself when he dialled the boy's number, he bit his lip when the beeping stopped and there was silence on the other hand.

He closed his eyes, "Harry?" The angel on the other end whispered, even from here Harry could hear the sadness and wobble in his tone, "Just Let me hear you, I-I had a very bad day and I-I just...Blue. I miss you." He whispers eyes moist and he feels one tear dripping on his cheek, "Harry...I-I-"

"Blue please just ignore whatever is wrong between us and talk to me...about anything, about your new job, everything except Kyle and me, talk to me about yourself, Blue." He begs and he knows Louis can hear the tears in his voice,

He wipes them off and hears a sniffle on the other end, "I-I'm an editor in New York Times. It's cool In here just too cold sometimes. I wear your hoodies outside work and that's it, I do nothing but go to work and then repeat it." Harry coughs his choke,

"It's good. I'm g-glad you l-like it there, Lou. Your voice is so soothing." He whispers and wipes a tear of his own, "H-Harry. I miss you." Louis whispers.

"You know how we met the first time, Blue?" He asks leaning his head back to revive the memory, "You saved me, it's a story you've always bragged about." Louis snorts and Harry chuckles at that.

"No. The first time I saw you, you were on the dance floor, dancing as if there was no care in the world and when I came forward we flirted, I touched you and you pushed me back muttering a "Back off" and then you stepped more back and yelled a loud "Idiots." I swear no one has ever been fascinating to me before."

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