"Thank you Haz." He whispers and walks inside.


Harry wasn't in love, no he hated that term, he was simply too much attracted to Louis to feel the hurt that was being thrown to him at the harsh yet real words.

What was he even thinking? Of course Louis was going to be on his own after a year and four  months. And he didn't even realised that they've been together since eight months already, how easy it was with Louis, everything is too easy with Louis. Only with him.

The sense of comfort and peace that he's only heard about was how he felt each day after he goes home and is met with the sweetest most adorable sight of Louis wrapped in a comforter and huddled to the sofa watching something or Louis in the kitchen trying his maniacal kitchen skills or Louis dancing around to Britney Spears or anything, anything related to Louis.

And now his chest is hurting, maybe he should see a doctor or something. Because it's unusual to hurt this much.

"I think I'm going to see a doctor." He announces to Liam who frowns, "Why?"

"Don't know chest feels funny, it's like hurting but not physically hurting maybe I've got a cardiac disease or something." Liam makes a weird face,

"What the hell are you talking about? You look awfully off today." And Harry ends up explaining what happened in the morning.

Liam has a look on his face as if he knows something that Harry doesn't, "You're scaring me." He comments and Liam snorts,

"You are in love."

"Funny Liam but I am not." And with that Harry leaves the room. He is not in love, Love is not real and it's something written in fairytales meant for little kids to give them hope about something.

Because if Love was real than no one should've stayed heartbroken.

And Harry is definitely not in love with Louis.

He adores him? Yes. Will he kill for the safety of his boy? Yes. Will he ever hurt Louis? Intensionally No. But does he love Louis? Also No.


  Louis had the best first day, his boss, Kyle Halton, was too cool and calm. And Louis wanted this to share with Harry.

Harry's back to normal. He laughed and made silly jokes but he still was distant and Louis somehow sensed it, maybe it was the way he wouldn't look in Louis' eyes for a long time or maybe it was the way he wouldn't kiss Louis. It was something.

Somehow Louis created a wall of awkwardness between them and he's very much aware of that which must be why he's sobbing in the covers right now sitting in their balcony alone while Harry's working in his home office.

Louis sniffles and brings the covers that smells like Harry to his nose, he already misses him and the man's not even a mile away. It's funny how eight months can go so quickly and someone can fall for someone as quick as that.

Louis always believed in love and somehow acting changed into reality and Louis found himself trusting Harry more than he has ever trusted anyone.

A fresh wave of tears spill and he wipes it with his fist, "Louis?" As quick as lightning Louis wipes his entire face and without turning asks a "Yeah?"

"Why haven't you slept?" Louis shrugs and shuffles when Harry sits beside he still doesn't look at him instead stares at the brightest star in the sky that was right beside the moon.

"Not sleepy. Why are you up?" He asks and Harry cradles his chin and turns his face over staring at him with bright green eyes, "I was working and wanted a cuppa. Here we can share." And Louis sobs,

"Stop making it difficult!" He cries out and Harry looks concern, "What did I do?"

"It's me..Christ it's me. Im sorry Harry, I know you're upset and I did it and I didn't meant to. I'm so sorry Harry." He cries and feels arms around his body, he lets his body go limp when Harry pulls him on his lap, "It's okay Blue. You don't have to say sorry or be sorry for anything. We are fine baby, it's just a bad day." He whispered in Louis' hair pecking it several times,

They shared the cuppa and Louis leaned towards Harry's chest letting the man rub his tummy, "How was your day, Blue?" Harry asks with mouth on His hair, "Too good. I was being stupid, thank you for encouraging me, Haz." He whispers and turns his face to plant a kiss on Harry's jaw, "Its my job yeah. Louis?"


"What is your dream wedding like?" Louis sighs at that, "My dream wedding is quite a silly fantasy, I don't want something grand or like that, it should be just me and my beau marrying in a church with silly smiles on our faces. Did you ever dreamt for a wedding?" He asks playing with Harry's fingers,

"No. I didn't even thought I'll get married."

"May I ask why you never had a serious relationship, Harry?"

"I don't believe in that, you can't be bound to one person all the time."

"Yeah? Your theory is weird. Being bound to one person is the best thing, just imagine coming home and staying with your comfort person for as long as you want."

"It's not. After some time you are going to be bored." Louis scoffs. The statement utterly defensive and heart wrenching, "So you don't believe in love at all?"

"No. I don't. Love is a waste of time and energy. It's another name to mask desire and infatuation."

It is not, I love you and I love the whole lot of you Harry, I desire you and your heart. It is not a waste of time.

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