"I-I.... Everything inside was Lacy and I don't know who packed it all so I took your hoodie. I can remove it if you want." He quickly blurts out and Harry raises a brow, "If I want you'll remove it?" At this Louis rolls his eyes, "We look like a couple right now." He changes the topic and Harry cocks his head to the side,


"You're wearing the pants I'm wearing the top." He shrugs and Harry chuckles, "So what do you wanna watch here's your pizza hope you like barbecue." Louis nods and waddles to the bed, the soft mattress feeling incredible under him.

"Yeah I do. What's for the movie?" The tension between them was subsided by the movies listed out in front, But he could still feel Harry's eyes on his thighs and legs and it was making him nervous.

Nervously Louis pushed his fringe to the side biting his lip as Harry shuffled and sat beside, Louis had his legs crossed refusing to look at the man who's long hands were splayed on the cds. Louis sucked his bottom lip as his eyes went on their wedding band, a ring similar to Harry's only thinner resided on Louis' finger and h—

"Can you not do that?" Harry asked pulling him out of trance and he frowned looking at the man who's green eyes seemed darker than they were before, "Do what?"

"Nothing. Right Uhm let's do a F.R.I.E.N.D.S marathon?" He asks not looking at Louis instead playing with the peace ring in his finger, "O-Okay. Yeah that's cool too." Louis smiled nervously and Harry stared at him for a beat before standing up.

Louis eyed his back muscles that looked obscenely tense. He cleared his throat and wiggled his way behind until his back met the headboard, he pulled the comforter up his leg and placed his pizza box on top of his lap.

When Harry returned back he sat on the other end of the bed, Louis scrunched his nose at the pizza choice, "You should be arrested for having pineapple on your pizza." He mumbled and Harry looked away from the screen,

"What? Oh yeah, I—shut up Louis, I like fruit on my pizza." He grumbled and Louis giggled, "Husband's fruity aye." Louis teased and Harry chuckled, "Oh believe me a lot. I'll say I'm an arse man."

Louis snorts at that but doesn't say anything and they finally fall back to a comfortable silence chuckling at Chandler's sarcasm.

Louis discreetly turns his head to stare at Harry who's got his nose scrunched as he controls his laughter and it's so cute that he wants to squeeze his husband's cheeks. Feeling stupidly giddy Louis hides his fond behind his pizza.

Harry turns his head and stares at the pretty boy beside him who's got his sweater paws near his mouth as he giggles bashfully and the sight so fucking pretty that Harry wanted to pull him on his lap and kiss the sauce stained lips until they are swollen and shining red with spit.

He shuffles a bit closer to his small husband and is close until their shoulders are touching, Harry's pizza box resting beside him and Louis' on top of his lap, he looks a sight bundled up in Harry's extra large hoodie and soft product free hair.

Louis turns to look at him and Harry doesn't let his eyes wander away instead he holds his gaze, "Sleepy already?" He asks in a whisper and Louis shakes his head, "No. Wanna share?"

Harry shrugs, "Never saying no to free pizza." Louis giggles softly and his small hands offer a big slice to which Harry grabs and eats.

Somewhere in between Louis rests his head on top Harry's shoulder who smiles and noses the soft hair letting his lips brush against it, Louis' hair smells like the lavender hotel shampoo.

He slowly and carefully leans forward to see that Louis' eyes are closed and he's peacefully sleeping on Harry's shoulder, ever so carefully Harry reaches for the remote and switches the Telly off and then removes Louis head from his shoulder cradling it with both hands and resting them on top of the pillows.

"Goodnight Blue." He whispers taking hold of the box and piling it along with Harry's own and keeping it on the coffee table. He pulls the comforter up till Louis' neck smoothing it and then standing upright.

Harry grabs a pillow with him and starts walking when there's a soft, "Haz." He stops mid walk and turns, "Yeah Blue?" Harry quietly asks ignoring the fluttering in his heart at the new nickname, "You can sleep on the bed I don't mind."

"No it's fine Blue I'll sleep on the floor—"

"Harry it's fine just get on. The floor's hard and the bed is big enough for the two of us." Harry hesitates before walking towards the other end, "You sure Blue?"

"Yeah I am. Just switch off the lights I hate sleeping with lights on." He mumbles sleepily and in this state his accent and the tiredness seeping out of him is almost endearing with the way his words come out.

Harry's lips twitch in a smile and he clears his throat, "Okay, Lou. I'll brush my teeth and be here."

Louis doesn't answer and Harry gives one last smile at the bundle of Louis in comforter, he quickly brushes his teeth and slaps his face with water before walking out.

When Harry lays on the other end there's too much space between them but he ignores it and holds the comforter up till his waist before turning on his side, his face meeting Louis' back, he can only see the wisps of soft hair in the moonlight coming through the window.

Harry closes his eyes and just as he's about to fall into the deep abyss of sleep there's a soft, "Goodnight Harry." And safe to say there's a smile on Harry's lips which he chooses to ignore along with the tugging in his heart and the flutter in his stomach.

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