i'll teach them a lesson

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"Alright, explain this to me again. How did he 'roll away' from you?"

"Listen, that fucker is fast! Especially since he was rolling downhill."

Three and Four were side-by-side as they walked through Tentakeel Outpost. DJ Octavio was finally back in his place by night, and the two were ready to head straight home.

Well, that's what Four wanted Three to believe.

Three scoffed, grip on his Hero Shot tightening. "You're so full of shit. There aren't any hills around here."

"But he still managed to roll away." Four joyfully laughed, spinning his Hero Dualies. Three only rolled his eyes.

The two eventually reached the shack. Three announced, "I'm gonna go change. I need to leave."

"That's cool by me. I gotta make a call anyway."

Three grunted in disinterest. Four would've been offended under other circumstances, but on this occasion, he simply smirked. He took out his phone and dialed Eight's number once Three was gone.

A different voice than Eight's responded. "Hello?"

"Huh? (Y/N)?" Four blinked in confusion. It took a few moments before he figured it out. He snickered once he did. "Oh, lemme guess. Eight's nerd self said he couldn't answer the phone while he's driving, so he's making you do it."

"It's the law. It's not my fault you don't follow it," Eight replied, making Four realize he was probably on speakerphone.

It didn't bother him, only causing his snickers to increase into a full-out laugh. "That's average Team Order behavior!"

"Um, what?" You asked.

Four calmed down with a satisfied sigh. "Nevermind that, you wouldn't get it. I just called to make sure you were outta there and on the way over to Callie and Marie's place."

Eight said, "Yes, we'll be there in a few minutes, in fact."

"Sweet!" Four beamed. "Three is about to head home, so I thought I'd call and give a heads up. I'll meet you guys over there soon!"

"Got it."

"Oh, and Four, I wanted to tell you something before you go." You spoke up. "I overheard your call with Three today. I didn't know it was you at first because I couldn't remember you or Eight, but I realized it was you when I heard your laughter."

He grinned ear-to-ear. "My laugh? Is it really that iconic?"

"It was recognizable, and it helped me realize who you two were. So please don't ever stop being yourself, alright?" You gulped. "And be careful, too... Three is more dangerous than you know."

If there was ever a way to touch his heart. He felt a sort of high he hadn't felt in ages, making him beam and sway around carefreely. He didn't even need to look in a mirror to know he was blushing.

He was too drunk on love to heed your warning.

"Hey, I'll always be here! You can count on that!" Four reassured, perhaps a bit too loudly.

"Thanks. I'll see you later?"

"Yup! Bye!"

And with that, you hung up. Joy fueled his beating heart and butterflies fluttered in his stomach. Oh, the way you made him swoon. He knew he was too easy, but in this case? He just couldn't help it. Not like Eight could either, even if he was more low-key about his crush.

Four knew Eight was just as excited as he was to have you live with them from now. Especially now that your memory was recovering (and it was partly thanks to him!) you could finally share a well-deserved happy ending. He spun around with an delighted smirk, ready to leave.

Red Ink (Yandere Splatoon/Coroika x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now