leaving scars on your mind

Start from the beginning

You nodded, easily accepting of that. What you didn't accept so easily was the fact that he seemed to be alone. "Fine, but... Where's Four?"

"You remember him too?"

"I do."

"He'll be happy to hear that," Eight commented. "We're meeting up with him later. He's distracting Three as we speak. Four's good at being a distraction, but Three has limited patience. We need to hurry."

He politely stepped aside. The exit was wide open now, inviting you to leave this place for good. That empty neighborhood suddenly looked pretty intimidating. Shadowy darkness covered most of your vision, and you didn't know a world outside of this house.

Now you would be forced to take it head-on. But it was much better than being stuck in an enclosed space with someone who could potentially kill you. Combined with Eight's encouraging gaze, you knew what you had to do. You gulped your fear down and went outside.

Eight shut the door and followed behind. Your gaze was wildly wandering around, eager to see what little you could in this darkness. Houses lined up one by one, cars parked in garages and on the streets, lampposts being the best sources of light. It looked like an everyday suburban neighborhood, but it captivated you anyway.

Then Eight went around the car parked in front of the house. He opened the driver's seat and unlocked the passenger's. "You can get inside now, please."

You nodded, though you weren't entirely sure you were ready.


This new world was much bigger than it first seemed. All kinds of scenery flew past as you rode in Eight's car. A cityscape, various neighborhoods, and the list went on. There was so much to take in. You didn't even bother to fill the awkward silence with small talk, too busy carving every detail into your brain so you wouldn't forget.

But silence was still silence. It allowed negative, bitter thoughts to swarm around your mind like angry flies. No matter how many times you swatted them away, they only came back with a louder buzz. It got to the point you couldn't hear yourself think anymore.

Keeping them bottled in any more would drive you insane. You were still reluctant to say anything, as beginning topics like that would basically be opening Pandora's box, but you couldn't take it anymore. You were driven over the edge.


"Yes?" He responded, his eyes still diligently trained on the road. You did the same and kept your gaze straight ahead, except you weren't driving. You were just trying to save yourself the embarrassment.

"Do you... think I'm stupid?"

There was a brief pause. Thinking he hadn't heard your shy mumbles, you took a quick peek. You could see the contemplation in his expression and you immediately knew- Oh cod, he actually does. Of course-

"I've never even come close to thinking that. Why would you?" Eight's words felt like a shitty excuse at that point, but you didn't want to start an argument with the person who was saving you. So you answered his question instead.

"Because," Your lips quivered, stammering over your words. "I-I think that I feel bad- for some reason- for leaving him."

Another pause. This time you weren't sure if he was judging you or waiting for you to go on. You found the strength to continue anyway, fighting that feeling of shame building up within.

"I can't even remember all those times he and I shared together, but I knew he was taking care of me for a long time. Some part of him genuinely loves me. I know he does, he just has to or else he wouldn't have done all those things he did for me."

Red Ink (Yandere Splatoon/Coroika x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now