Chapter 4

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Part 1

Betty felt pretty lucky today, she hadn't missed a bit of school all day. She didn't even need Noah to cover her with terrible excuses and lies.

Although, if she were to say one thing- it's that she's been so hungry all day. She'd snack as much as she could and now that it's lunch, she'll have to get as much food she could pile on her plate even if she has a lunch box from home.

Sometimes, she'd also be missing something. A pencil would stray too far or her eraser is gone. At one point, she lost the paper work she was working on and had to ask for another one.

Betty hoped that it was a coincidence and not Penelope playing a dirty trick, but she didn't have Penelope in her class or even her groupies at the time the papers disappeared. It couldn't be them or the resident bully, Duncan, he was held back a grade.

She wondered about this problem when her watch started beeping. She forced down her groan. She sent Noah a text that she won't be there at lunch and probably the class after it.

Casually walking to the girls bathroom and checking around at the same time, she went in the last stall and locked the door. She was sucked up a beam of light.


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