Chapter 8

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When Louis got back to his house, he was bombarded with questions, and Louis told him that Harry needed air. He didn't say anything about what Harry yelled at him because that felt too personal for him to share. He grabbed his phone, went up to his room, and tried to call Harry. No response. He wanted to text him, but he didn't know what to say. How does one even approach a situation like this?

He groaned loudly and faceplanted on his bed. Now he was mentally and emotionally drained and let himself fall into the realm of sleep.


He was awoken by his phone buzzing on the bed and groaned and turned his head away from the sound, trying to go back to sleep.

The buzzing stopped only for a second before it started up again, and he sighed and blindly reached for his phone and answered it without checking the caller ID and brought it to his ear.

"What?" He answers groggily, still 75% asleep.

"Is Harry still at your place?" Niall asked, and it took Louis a few seconds to process what he said.

"Let me check," Louis said sleepily, and he was too lazy to get up, so he opted to roll out of his bed and landed on the floor with a thud. "SON OF WHORE!" He yelled and didn't move from within his cocoon blanket on the ground.

"What the fuck was that?" Niall asked, amused by his choice of words.

"I fell," Louis said and wiggled around, trying to get up and successfully wiggled out of the blankets.

"Well, okay then," Niall said with a laugh, and Louis rolled his eyes and got up. He walked out of his room down to the first floor and saw Harry's bag sitting by the front door, and he frowned at that. He walked to the dining room and didn't see Fizzy or Harry.

"HELLO?" Louis yelled.

"KITCHEN," Jay yelled back, and Louis walked to the kitchen. Fizzy and Lottie were sitting there doing homework, and Daisy and Phoebe were helping Jay with dinner.

"Where's Harry?" Louis asked and looked around.

"What do you mean? He hasn't returned. I thought he went back to Niall's; I was going to ask you to drop off his bag," Jay answered, and Louis pulled the phone away from his ear to check the time and saw that it was seven pm.

"Ni, he isn't here," Louis said into the phone.

"Shit, we can't contact him, and he hasn't returned since he left to your place," Niall said, making Louis frown. "What happened?"

"I don't know, he dropped off the cake, and I guess something set him off, and he ran out, and I chased him to the forest, and we talked, then he took off again. I thought he needed some space," Louis said, rubbing his eyes to try and wake himself up.

"Well, he isn't answering his phone, and he isn't here or at your place. He doesn't know where Liam or Zayn live, and I already asked, and neither has seen him," Niall asked, getting more and more worried.

"Lou? We are going out to look for him," Liam suddenly said, sounding quiet as if he is further in the background, but Louis caught on.

"Okay, I'm coming. Meet at Ni's," he said quickly and hung up and ran upstairs to grab a jacket.

"Louis?" Lottie asked.

"GOING TO CHECK ON HARRY BYE," Louis yelled while running out of the house and going to Niall's. He didn't have to go far since Liam, Zayn, and Niall were already standing at the end of his driveway.

"What did you talk about?" Niall asked as they made their way to the forest.

"Just yelled at me because I told him that talking will help," Louis said with a heavy sigh.

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