Chapter 2

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The next day Harry wakes up to a heavy book landing onto his ribs. He groans and looks up to see Nick smirking down at him.

"Wake up, school. Those are your textbooks; they arrived last night. Oh, you were supposed to be up an hour ago, but you will have to walk since you are late. Bye," he said quickly before grabbing his stuff and running out of the room. Harry rolls his eyes again because he wasn't aware that he would start school soon. He sighs, takes the textbook off of him, puts it in his school bag, and changes his sleeping clothes in some sweats. He does his morning routine quickly before going back to the textbook to see a school name. Luckily, Harry puts it into maps, and it is a forty-five-minute walk.

He just grabbed his bag and ran out of the house, he doesn't even have a key, but he doesn't have time for that. It is already 8:30 am, and he doesn't know when school starts, but most schools would have either started or is about to. He knows he will be late, so he just takes his time. It is not like he has to be there. He already knows everything that is taught.

Once he got to school, it was quiet, and no one was in the halls. He looks around, trying to look for the office, but luckily it is right beside the front entrance. He gets in and walks to the front desk.

"Harry Styles?" The lady asked, and Harry nodded. "Well, school starts at 8 am, so you just missed the first period. You will go to second now," she hands him his timetable and locker combination. He grabs the paper and stares down on the sheet, and frowns. He is sixteen. He should be in grade 10 courses, not grade 12 classes. He turns around with confusion and looks at the lady.

"Are you sure this is mine?" He asked, and she looked at his sheet and nodded.

"Well, your last school tested, and they advanced you just as you moved, so we ended up enrolling you in our senior classes," she explained, and Harry nodded. He remembered staying at school later and writing many tests that he didn't know what they were.

He walks out of the office and wanders around the school, looking for his class. The school isn't that big but big enough for Harry to get confused. He finally finds it, knocks on the door, and walks in when he hears a faint 'come in.'

"Harry Styles?" The teacher asked, and Harry nodded. "Okay, go and sit down. I will come and talk to you when I finish setting them up with their assignment," he nods and scans the room and finds an empty spot right on the front. He walks over, sits down, and looks at his timetable again to see what class this even is Biology.

He zones the teacher out while explaining some projects they have to do. The teacher then came up to his desk, and he talked about what had been transferred over and the assignments and tests he needed to write. Harry ends up getting a stack of paper, and he ends up working the rest of the period on his work.

The rest of the school day goes about the same. He gets everything he missed, and by the end of the day, he has to hold his textbooks since they don't fit in his backpack. He ate lunch alone in the back of the school, and by eating, he meant just sitting there and finishing some problems for his job.

He makes the walk back, and it is peaceful. He wonders how the others get to school and thinks it is the bus and he should figure out where the bus stop is but feels if he asks them, they would either give him the wrong place or mess with him. A forty-five walk every morning and then another forty-five-minute walk sounds great to Harry.

He didn't see any of the other lads at school, but Harry mainly was staring at his timetable in the halls and trying to find his classes. During class, he was working through the endless mountain of work; he had even to have the chance to pay attention to anyone or look around. He doesn't know the age of the other lads, but they are all in high school, or that is what Harry gets from what they look to be.

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