Charlies back

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"Let's go it's Saturday" Russ hit me and Fulton in the face with a pillow "alright alright" I got up out of the bed and walked to Fultons dresser and pulled out a hoodie and bandana I tied my hair back with the bandana and ran out of the room in the hoodie and my pj shorts to my room. I slipped on a pair of jeans and woke Connie and Julie "LETS GO SCHOOL YARD TIME" they got up and eventually got ready. I tied my hair back in two Dutch braids out some mascara on and grabbed my skates and helmet "boys let's go" I went banging on their doors and they filed out in their gear with their sticks "let's move Ducks" I shout adams back now and we're doing good. Even coach orion has been better not great but better. "Ok cross the street Avermen look out will you" I pull avermen away from a barking dog and apologize to the owener "it was friendly" avermen says waving at the dog "he was growling at you" Adam laughs "so doesn't mean he isn't nice" avermens says "just let's play some puck" we enter the fenced in parking lot "grab those" i point to the trash cans on the side of the parking lot Connie and Avermen race for them Avermen wins and is very braggy about it "yea yes ok captains me and banks" me and Adam Rock Paper Scissors he wins. "Guy" Adam points to one of our best players "Fulton" I smile at my boyfriend. Fulton kisses me quickly while Adam picks Connie "Ken" "goldberg" "Julie" "russ" "Dwayne" "avermen" that gives me Luis "speedy find some brakes!" We split off and start playing. We're having fun when russ shouts "HEY CONWAY WHAT TOOK SO LONG." But it's what Dwayne says that catches my attention "come on coach you too!" I look over and my dad and Charlie are walking into the parking lot. I skate over and nearly tackle my dad in a hug "DAD" I hug him "COME ON LOSERS" everyone joins and we have a group hug "we're taking Charlie you can have my dad banks" I grab Charlie's arm and pull him with us to our team we play until Adams team ended up winning but to spite them we put my dad in a trash can "both bombays let's go" Fulton lifted me up and placed me in the second trash can. "Ok ducks you've got school and I've got some lawyer stuff in town and at the house and then I'm heading to Chicago for goodwill stuff" I hug my dad as the bus pulls up and we all get on Charlie half begs orion to let him back. Russ mocks him for it "you were like PLEASEEEEE COACH oh please take me back I'll be a good boy" Charlie hit him in the arm "shut up" then Dean Buckley came on our bus "we're revoking the scholarships" that got my attention! "WHAT" Orion nearly yelled "let's talk about this Dean" they stepped off the bud and were talking about 'lawyer stuff' as dad would say then Orion came back on the bus "Alexis call your dad tell him meet at the rink tomorrow at 10am he's got a case" I smile and quickly text my dad he responds with a 👍 and I tell Orion we're a go!

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