Dinner prank and varsity beat down

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After that 'outburst' as Charlie called it the team wasn't exactly the same sure we were all talking but it wasn't the same anymore that is until Riley stoped by our lunch table "congrats on the bears game sucks your benched Bombay you were good" "what do you want" Luis asked annoyed "This is for Jesse" I said to the group "fuck off you rich ass cake eater" Adam chuckled at that and Cole hit him "hit him again and I'll break your neck" i stood up "look ok we just came to talk about the freshman varsity dinner it's tradition that we treat you guys to dinner" I sat back down "you like seafood right?" Riley asked "ya we do" Charlie smiles "cool round up your posse tonight at 7 meet at the Minnesota steak house need a ride we'll get you one" Riley walked away Adam followed "it's cool" I nodded and Cole spoke again "look I don't like you puked but at Eden hall we care about tradition" I rolled my eyes at him as he followed Adam out "if banks says it's cool we go" russ says "ya we'll go" I add and everyone agrees "be ready and be prepared because I sense something may be wrong" "each of you bring 100$ alright" I said before standing up "now let's go get ready" I screamed and Connie and Julie followed me excitedly. Me Connie and Julie each got dressed o wore a fancy dark blue v neck lace dress and dark red lipstick with my hair up in a curly bun done by Julie. I walked out to meet the boys in the lobby and Fultons eyes went wide. "You look good" he smiles "say it or o will Fulton" Luis looks at me and winks "what is it" I look at Fulton he looks real nice in his suit "it's nothing love" he puts his arm around me "he said you looked sexy" Luis shouts "and I agree" he winks at me "flattering" I scoff and whisper in Fultons ear "but if you said it it would be sexy" I bite my lip and chuckle as we walk into the steak house we see the varsity sitting at the big table in the middle of the room and we go to join them. "Damn she's hot" Rick whistles at me and I flip him off "don't say it again" Fulton stares at him angrily and we take our seats at the table we're beside scooter and A guy called Calvez. "So man you gotta show me that triple deke" Rick starts asking Charlie all sorts of questions when Cole turns to Fulton and I "what happened to your other bash brother" "he's busy" I say angrily "scared?" Cole asks "Portman isn't scared if you rich shits" I growl and Fulton places a hand on my thigh "yoire ok" he whisper and I relax a little or at least try to. "We have one more surprise" Rick leads the varisty out of the room "here take this" I hand Fulton m wallet and follow them "where's she going?" Goldberg asked "to talk to Adam" Fulton says not knowing "oh" the table falls silent as the cake comes out I follow Rick out side "hey bud where ya going to" he looks at me and scoffs "there's no way we were paying for that have fun working it off" Cole and Rick high five "alright buddy" I pull of my heels and throw them to Adam "banks you're still on my side what the fuck" I yell as I punch Cole right in the nose "Rick Riley you aren't a big shot ya know" and o crack my knuckles and punch him too I go to punch again but am stopped by arms around me Guy Avermen Dwayne and Ken are holding me back "let me go" k squirm around a bunch but they tighten their grip "we'll get em Charlie has a plan alright" Ken says and I relax they give me to Fulton and he licks me up and takes my shoes from Adam and we slowly walk back to school.

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