Ants ants Ants

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"Let's go let's go let's go" Charlie lead all of us to the science room and we took some of the ants out of the cage "ok Connie Guy and Lexi go lookout Lexi sorry but you're a little loud" i chuckle "I know" I wink at him and follow Connie and Guy to the tree where we look through varsity's windows "Guy gimmie those" I snatch the binoculars out of his hands and look into ricks room him and scooter are peacefully sleeping "more left" I say as Charlie sticks a tube in leading it to ricks bed guy tells them through the walky talky "give thise here" Guy takes the binoculars back and starts giving the guys orders "Guy share I wanna see" Connie says "no shut up" Guy pushes her away. "Well-"Connie winks at me "this ninjä stuff really makes you look uh well I don't know how to say it" Guy looks at her lowering the binoculars "ruggedly handsome" he winks I snatch the binoculars "AMAZINGLY STUPID" I add and flick his forehead. "Ok Connie Guy Lexi come in we're releasing them" Charlie spoke so we all jumped out of the tree and ran to inside we got there right as they were waking up. They started screaming trying to open the doors "Julie now" Julie dropped the rope and doors all flung open "YOULL PAY you little pieces of white trash" Rick angrily said itching ants off "who ya calling white trash pal" russ said I laughed "we'll take you any time anywhere" i said "tomorrow dawn" Rick said "now let's go" and the varisty team ran away to the showers "BYE BYE LOSERS JOCKS VARISTY ASSHOLES" we were shouting names at them as they ran just then cole came up tied up on a rope "and now we run" o laugh and lead the team into the girls dorm and we bust out in laughter "THAT WAS AWESOME" i high-fived everyone "that was hot" I kissed Fulton "GROSS GET A ROOM" Avermen soured and I hit him in the head "I will kiss my Fulton if I want to. I stared directly at avermen and kissed Fulton again "alright that's enough of that" Charlie pushed us away and we laughed "let's get sleep for this varisty jv game" I said the boys left I went with Fulton and spent the night in his room let's say russ slept with Avermen and Goldberg because me and Fulton were in his words "locking lips all night" and in avermens words "should've just had sex would be better" to which I smacked him in the face giving him a bruised cheek.

Highschool// Fulton reed FFOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora