001| basketball blues

Start from the beginning

"Oh please, she loves you, Cass. And I can tell you right now, Haley's already here." He waved off as they walked through the door. "Hey, Mom." "Hi, Karen." Lucas and Cassie greeted as Lucas closed the door. "Hey, Hon. Hi, Cass." Karen smiled as she cleaned a counter.

"Mhm. Smells good in here." Lucas commented as the two teens walked to the counter she was cleaning. "Did you change your hair?" He asked.

"If by change you mean drag a brush through it, then yeah." Karen replied making Cassie chuckle. "Well it looks nice." Lucas said making Karen smile. "Thank you."

"Well the magazine pages are sticky again, little pervs. Oh hey, Luke. You been reading this?" Haley jokes.

"I don't know Haley, is that the 'why do I hang out with these people' issue? Because, you two are on the cover of that, right?" Lucas asked, pointing in between the two.

"No, actually it's the 'our best friend is an idiot' issue, and there you are." Haley pointed making Cassie nod along. "Oh yeah, I think I caught him reading that after he was reading the 'my best friends are hot and awesome' cover that he was also on!"

Lucas threw his arms out to the side as the two girls fist bumped. "Haley, Cassie, would you like to join us?" Karen asked.

"Of course, thank you."

"Hell yes!"

The two girls looked at each other making Cassie lightly elbow the girl in the arm making the James girl chuckle slightly. The girls grabbed a bowl of chili before making their was over to the table.

"So honey, how was your day?" Karen asked. "Good!"
Haley responded making the other three look at one another. "Thanks. I mean, 'good' is relative considering a third of the world is starving. Which does not change the fact that I am clumsy as hell." She turned her attention towards her two best friends. "Did I tell you guys that I feel down today? Yeah. Slipped off the curb, totally bit it, face down, butt in the air."

"Haley," Karen chuckled. "Too graphic? Sorry I'll just be quiet." Haley piped down making the girl on her right pat her arm with a chuckle. "So, I got something for you, Lucas." Karen said.

The James girl beamed. "Actually, I found it. Not that I was like, looking for something specifically which implies some hideous sort of 'Joey loves Dawson' scenario and completely creep me out but, you know, we saw it, and..." Haley trailed making the entire group raise their eyebrows at her. The brunette nodded before looking at Karen. "...give him the book."

Karen handed Lucas a book as Cassie chuckled at her best friend. "Don't worry, Hales. We'll find you your Pacey one day."

Lucas smiled at the book. "Wow. Julius Caesar"

"There's a tide in the affairs of men." Karen quoted with a small smile of her own. "Or something like that."

"Nice." Lucas pointed. "Thank you, guys. Thank you very much."

"Whatever. If that's what you're into." Haley shrugged. Cassie shook her head at the girl as she chuckled into her hand.

* * *

"OH, LUKE is on fire tonight. How do you say 'hot' in French?" Mouth asked, pointing the microphone in Jimmy's face. "Flambé!" Jimmy replied.

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