An Amane Adventure (8)

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Before this chapter is even started I give you chef hanako- now isn't that cute?

Also I know the title of this chapter is odd I just really wanted an excuse to title a chapter this lmao

Also it's another chapter from Amane's point of view instead of Nene point of view


Gift... a gift. I need to get her a gift! What would she want though? I can't just go and ask her, then she'd know! I usually just get her something she tells me she'd like, but that's only ever been on her birthday or Christmas! This one is a surprise!


Yashiro smacked the back of Amane's head with a roll of paper, and Amane almost screamed.
"What's gotten into you today? You were completely out of it!" Yashiro said, loudly. Amane turned around, awkwardly smiling.
"Oh! Yashiro- sorry, it's nothing! Just... thinking about something!"
"And what might that be?"
"Just, uhm, things!"
"The way you worded that is oddly suspicious."
"Not those kind of things!!"

Yashiro laughed at his response, and as she did, Amane's eyes drifted to the logo on her oversized shirt. Seeing the logo, his eyes widened, and he thought of an idea.

A skull on her shirt, that's right! She's said before that she's interested in the occult! I'll get her something related to that!

He smiled, almost applauding himself for his pure genius.

"Oi, my eyes are up here." Yashiro waved her hand in front of his face, and Amane blinked once, then twice, then shook his head.
"Sorry! I was- uhh-"
"What were you looking at?" Yashiro asked, and Amane hesitantly pointed to the skull on her shirt.
"That logo."
"Why were you looking at that?"
"Oh, no reason~"

Amane rested his head on his hand, giving Yashiro a very clear, and intentional, shit eating grin. Yashiro didn't look impressed, simply rolling her eyes and smiling, holding back a laugh.

Yes, my god, Amane, you are a genius!


What can I get that's related to the occult? I don't know much about it, astronomy is more my thing.

Amane crouched slightly, thumb on his chin, staring at the shop display in front of him. He was so lost in thought that he didn't hear one of the shop workers coming up behind him.

"Excuse me, do you need help with something, sir?" She said, and Amane immediately flipped around, startled.
"Oh- uhm- it's fine! Nothing really! Just-"
"Hold on, Yugi?" The woman cut him off, and Amane stared at her, slightly confused. He hadn't noticed, but she had shoulder-length green hair, and two front pieces that framed her face in a doll-like fashion.
"Did I forget to-"
"You did."
"So THAT'S why there were people staring at me when I walked here! Ah, sorry- this is probably inconvenient-"
"No worries, Yugi."

She pulled down the mask that was covering half of her face, and Amane could now see a small smile on her face, one too small to reach her eyes.
"Nanamine-senpai?!" He blurted, before quickly covering his mouth.
"You're still calling me that even after all these years? I helped you with your work once."
"A-Ah, sorry. Probably just like an instinct." He laughed lightly, and Sakura nodded.
"What are you doing here, anyway? I thought you liked astronomy, not this occult related stuff."
"I don't know anything about the occult, but it's not for me. It's for Yashiro."

{DISCONTINUED} Dainty Duet • HANANENEWhere stories live. Discover now