Cracks (2)

454 13 43

Yashiro woke up, hoping to at least catch a glimpse of Amane before he'd leave. She sat up, hoping he hadn't left yet. It may have been a Saturday, a day he was usually not quite as busy on, but she still knew there were still a lot of things he needed to do.

She walked out of their bedroom, not expecting to find him. She walked down the hall, and sure enough, it was completely silent. She even looked out the windows to see if Amane's car was there, and she saw exactly what she expected. His car wasn't there, and it was clear he'd already been gone awhile.

Yashiro sat down on the sofa, sighing. Because it was Saturday, the bakery she worked at was closed, so she didn't have anything to maybe distract her from how lonely it really did get. They didn't even have a pet, just eachother.

It's like this every Saturday. I shouldn't be surprised.

Despite Saturday and Sunday being the days Amane was supposed to have off, there were still things he thought was important to finish. He'd never be gone as long as on weekdays, as on weekdays he was usually gone for about 9-10 hours, starting his days at 8am, but that didn't stop Yashiro from feeling lonely when he was gone, especially since sometimes he'd have no choice but to stay out longer than necessary.

Yashiro suddenly remembered the agreement her and Amane had. While he was gone, she'd be the one checking his social medias, making sure it was all manageable. They agreed to this once Amane started to be gone for longer, meaning he'd have less time to do that himself. This agreement had only been going on for a couple of weeks, but it certainly felt like it had been longer.

Yashiro stood back up, and walked over to the computer and logged on. She couldn't help but smile at the background on the home screen, which was a picture of her and Amane when they'd gone on their first holiday together. She'd tried to convince him to pick another picture, telling him that the one he chose wasn't particularly flattering, but Amane insisted on the picture he chose first.

Checking over his social medias was a good way of passing the time, as it could easily take several hours. Even though Amane was gone most of the week, Yashiro still placed a lot of trust in him, because he trusted her enough with all of his passwords. She didn't even ask him, he just gave them to her. Not even just for his public accounts, but his personal accounts, too.

Honestly, I think he trusts me too much with his passwords. He doesn't know what I might end up doing to his accounts if I got upset at him.

After around an hour of doing this, she heard her phone vibrate. Checking to see who it was that was calling her, she was surprised to see that the person calling her was Amane's mother.

Hesitantly, Yashiro answered.
"Yes?" She said, and heard the woman on the other end sigh in relief.
"Nene! Yes, right, I'm just calling you because Amane sent me a very short message."
"What did he say?"
"He just wanted me to tell you that he might not be back today, but he'll definitely be back tomorrow. If he is back today, it will be when you're long asleep." Yashiro lowered her phone from her ear slightly, not completely surprised, but still upset.
"And he couldn't tell me this... why?"
"That's what I can't tell you. I don't know. Though the message looked like it was typed in a rush, so there's probably a good reason. You alright?"
"Yeah, yeah don't worry."
"Good." Amane's mother said, and hung up. Yashiro sat back in her chair, sighed, and closed her eyes.

We've lived together for three years and he still can't be completely honest with me? What's that about? I don't think it's anything bad, but still, why is he like this?

Yashiro was done with what she was doing, and she decided to call Aoi to see if they could do something for the day. At least then she wouldn't be alone.

The phone rang for almost a minute, and finally, Aoi answered.
"Nene-chan! You need something?" Aoi said in her usual cheery voice. Yashiro was relieved to hear this, and replied.
"I'm just wondering if there's anything you want to do today? Amane-kun isn't home, not surprised, but what is surprising is the time he said he'd be back." Yashiro said, and she heard Aoi talking to someone, but she couldn't make out who because it was quiet.
"Aoi?" Yashiro repeated, and Aoi suddenly spoke again.
"Yes! Ah, sorry Nene-chan, I'm busy today."
"You're busy? You're never busy! What's going on?"
"I can't tell you."
"What does that even mean?"
"It means exactly what it sounds like."
"You okay, Nene-chan?"
"Ha, yeah, don't worry. You get back to whatever you needed to do."

Before Aoi hung up, Yashiro heard her speaking to someone again. The only difference being that, while she couldn't make out what they were saying, she could tell exactly who it was Aoi was talking to.


As soon as this realisation hit her, Yashiro felt an emotion she couldn't quite make out. What she did know, however, was that she was angry. Very angry.

He's supposed to be doing his job but instead he's with my best friend? What on earth is happening?


Surely there's a reasonable explanation. He might not be completely honest all the time, but he's not a liar. I've seen him try to lie, and he couldn't do it to save his life.


Am I wrong?

Maybe there isn't a reasonable explanation. That's not possible. It can't be. Right?

It's our anniversary next week, anyway. Surely I'll see him then. Every year since the day we started dating, he hasn't once failed to make sure he's free on, and for a few days before and after our anniversary.


Yashiro was sitting on the bed, arms over her knees. She wasn't entirely sure what to do, since Amane wasn't home, and he wouldn't be for awhile, especially considering what she'd realised. She knew that neither him nor Aoi had any idea she knew they were together, but that wasn't what bugged her. What bugged her was what it might be that they're doing. this why he came home late yesterday?

It was far past midnight by this point, and no matter how hard she tried, Yashiro found herself unable to get a wink of sleep. While she sat, thinking, she heard the front door open.

He's got a lot of questions to answer.

Yashiro stood up, and opened the door that led to the area where the front door was. She found Amane, sitting on the floor, and he appeared to be struggling to undo his own laces.

He really can't do that? He's the one that tied them.

She let out a small laugh, causing Amane to look up at her, startled.
"Yashiro-?" He said, giving an awkward smile. Yashiro walked up to him and decided to end his lace pain.

(She untied them for him lmao I just thought lace pain sounded funny)

"You really couldn't do that yourself?" Yashiro asked, and Amane looked off to the side.
"My laces, my problem."
"You really are like a big kid."
"Ha Ha." Amane said, sarcastically. "What are you doing awake, anyway? It's probably 4am."
"I have my reasons. Just like you have your own reasons for coming back this late."
"Nothing, just, can you close the front door? It's freezing." There was a slight passive aggressiveness in her tone, which she hoped wouldn't be obvious.

Amane shut the front door, and after locking it, he turned to look at her. She wasn't saying anything, but she stood in the doorway, glaring at him.
"Are you okay?" Amane walked closer to her, tilting his head slightly.
"Yeah. Though, I have to talk to you. Tomorrow or later today, I mean. It's too late right now."
"What do you need to talk about?" Amane asked, and Yashiro turned around.
"Figure it out yourself."

"Yashiro, what do you mean?" Amane tried to speak to her, but Yashiro ignored him. While she walked away, Amane stood in the doorway, not understanding what was going on.

Did I do something?

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